Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Research Points to Cancer Drugs in Lower Doses
Amino acids, those not employed in creating protein and life, can improve a cancer therapy protein's activity by more than 30-fold.
Online Dating Service Planned for Apes
Zookeepers in the Netherlands are planning to hook up Dutch and Indonesian orangutans over the Internet.
DNA in Urine Can Reveal Disease
Promising research shows that simple urine tests for DNA fragments could offer early detection of cancer, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and other diseases.

Brain Gene Could Explain Why Yours is So Big
The discovery of a rapidly evolving DNA section in humans could help explain why our brains are so much bigger than chimps.
Ties That Bind Atoms Weaker Than Thought
A new experiment finds the force that holds all atoms together is weaker than once thought.
Image of the Day: Microwave Magic
Microwaving a compact disc for 10 seconds reveals the concentric circle pattern of the CD surface, which is otherwise undetected by the naked eye.


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