Monday, August 21, 2006

Increasing Forest Fires Pump Mercury into the Air
As wildfires grow in number and strength worldwide, they are unleashing mercury that has polluted wetlands in the north since at least the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
Bacteria Added to Gum, Toothpaste and Deodorant
Chewing gum, and toothpaste might one day contain the beneficial bacteria found in yogurt as a way to fight tooth decay.
Viruses Approved for Treating Food
A mix of bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed on cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, the FDA rules.

Rising Cyberviolence Mirrors Sci-Fi
Cyberviolence, a form of vigilante "justice" in which a large group of Internet users post attacks against an individual, are increasing in South Korea.
Researchers Developing Teardrop Test for Diabetics
A new device in development that uses teardrops to measure the amount of sugar in a person's blood could allow diabetics to forgo painful daily pinpricks.
Image of the Day: Nature's Honeycomb
Anthraquinone molecules form chains of molecules that weave themselves into a sheet of hexagons on a polished copper surface. Credit: Ludwig Bartels's research group, UCR


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