Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Scientists Make Stem Cells Without Harming Embryos
By using single cells plucked from human embryos, scientists have grown human embryonic stem cells, which can turn into any other kind of cell in the body, while leaving the original embryo intact.
Most High School Football Concussions Preventable
The key is to make helmets fit properly, which coaches often fail to do, a new study finds.
Why Fiber is Healthy: Because It Damages Our Insides
Roughage keeps you regular in an unlikely way, new study shows.

People Judge in the Blink of an Eye
Talk about snap judgments! People decide whether another person is trustworthy within a tenth of a second, a new study suggests.
Withdrawal Symptoms Come Quickly After Last Cigarette
Smokers trying to quit start to feel withdrawal symptoms within the first half hour of quitting.
Image of the Day: Walk into a Human Body
Human-shaped Corpus museum, outside Amsterdam, Netherlands, will give visitors an inside-out look at the body. Credit: Corpus museum


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