Friday, August 25, 2006

The Day The Earth Fell Over
In a distant past, Earth may have flipped on its side to keep its balance. And it could happen again.
Bright Idea: Sunlight Curbs Afternoon Drowsiness
Extra light exposure during the day helps keep you alert, a new study finds.
Scientists Erase Memories in Rat Brains
Scientists have for the first time erased long-term memories in rats and also directly seen how the brain is changed by learning.

Even the Simplest Creatures Favor Family
Single-celled amoebas, the simplest creatures known, stick with kin in times of need.
Ancient Minty Painkiller Worked, Modern Study Suggests
The doctors of ancient Greece and China had it right when they applied cool and minty salves to soothe aches and pains.
Image of the Day: Natural Pattern
Bundles of proteins, called microtubules, once lined up uniformly straight, begin to buckle and bend under compression stress generated their own growth.


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