Update for August 28, 2006
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August 28, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: August 28, 2006 11:15 am EDT 
Strange Pulsing Star Puzzles Astronomers
Astronomers using radio telescopes from around the world have discovered a spinning neutron star with a superpowerful magnetic field, called a magnetar, doing things no magnetar has been seen to do before.
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NASA Scrubs Shuttle Launch Citing Lightning Strike, Weather
NASA Places $500 Million Bet on Two Very Different Firms
Pluto: Solar System's Loss is Collectors' Gain
Prime Time for Viewing the Milky Way
BLOG: New Mexico Spaceport: Dry Run Turns Wet
posted: EDT
NASA's COTS Contract: They've Named the Winners, But What Does it Mean?
posted: 27 August 2006 09:50 am EDT
Tiny Passengers Join Astronauts on Atlantis
posted: 26 August 2006 08:37 am EDT
Space Station Assembly Marathon to Begin with STS-115
posted: 25 August 2006 03:30 pm EDT
Gallery: Amazing Sun: The Best of Your Amazing Images
Top 10 Star Mysteries
VOTE NOW: Most Amazing Galactic Images Ever
posted: EDT
Gallery: Casting Our Solar System In a New Light
Vote: The Best Space Movies
Hubble Wallpaper

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