Update for August 29, 2006
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August 29, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: August 29, 2006 04:59 pm EDT 
James Van Allen's Last Science Paper
Until his death this month at the age of 91, James Van Allen continued to do work that had fascinated him since childhood and made him a leading figure of America's Space Age.
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Space Shuttle Atlantis Heads Back to Launch Pad as Storm Weakens
Moon, Mars, Asteroids: NASA’s Griffin Charts Vision Strategy
Mars Clouds Higher Than Any On Earth
Strange Pulsing Star Puzzles Astronomers
New Survey Takes the Pulse of Public Space Travel
posted: 28 August 2006 02:27 pm EDT
BLOG: New Mexico Spaceport: Dry Run Turns Wet
posted: EDT
NASA Places $500 Million Bet on Two Very Different Firms
posted: 28 August 2006 06:38 am EDT
NASA Scrubs Shuttle Launch Citing Lightning Strike, Weather
posted: 26 August 2006 05:40 pm EDT
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown
Video: A Meteoric Tale
VOTE NOW: Most Amazing Galactic Images Ever
posted: EDT
Vote: The Best Space Movies
Zoom In: On Top of Mt. Everest
Top 10 Star Mysteries

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 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night® Screensaver
Strap Yourself in -- You’re about to Experience the Universe! The Universe explodes onto your desktop!

Gallery: Amazing Sun: The Best of Your Amazing Images
Amateur photographers focus in on the center of the solar system.

Vote: Fantastic Tales: Urban Legends Debunked
We invite you to vote on your favorite and most broken-telephoned urban legends out there.


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