Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No 'God Spot' in the Human Brain
Several brain regions, and not just one, are involved in mystical and religious experiences.
Sunscreen Can Damage Skin if Applied Infrequently
If not applied often enough, a sunscreen can actually enhance the effects of UV radiation, according to a new study.
Where We Store What We See
Scientists learn how the brain assigns meaning and files the things our eyes see.

Rats Born to Mice in Bizarre Lab Work
The breakthrough suggests a way to save endangered species. As a strange aside, it produced rats that glow green.
This Machine is Alive! Microscopic Motor Runs on Microbes
Scientists have yoked bacteria to power rotary motors, the first microscopic mechanical devices to successfully incorporate living microbes together with inorganic parts.
Image of the Day: Preserved in Amber
An international team of scientists has discovered the first pieces of fossil-bearing amber—preserving an exceptional diversity of insect, arachnid, and plant species—in the western Amazonian basin.


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