Update for August 31, 2006
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August 31, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: August 31, 2006 03:47 pm EDT 
Sky High Plans For UP Aerospace
Momentum is picking up in staging the X Prize Cup, to be held October 20-21 at the Las Cruces International Airport, New Mexico.
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Spacecraft Set to Smack the Moon This Weekend
NASA's Shuttle Atlantis Weathers Storm at Launch Pad
Pluto: Down But Maybe Not Out
Rare Uranian Eclipse Captured by Hubble
Bulldoze Pluto? I Don’t Think So
posted: 31 August 2006 10:05 am EDT
First Female Space Tourist Readies for ISS Trip
posted: 30 August 2006 5:42 p.m. EDT
Mars Orbiter Successfully Makes Big Burn
posted: 30 August 2006 04:19 pm EDT
Extra Launch Day Available for Shuttle Atlantis, NASA Says
posted: 30 August 2006 01:45 pm EDT
Vote: Fantastic Tales: Urban Legends Debunked
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown
Cool Space Wallpapers: Mars
posted: EDT
VOTE NOW: Most Amazing Galactic Images Ever
Vote: The Best Space Movies
VIDEO: Novas: Pouring Gas on a Fire

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 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night Digital Download
Follow the actual path of a space probe’s orbit through the solar system.

New Gallery: Poised for Impact
Gallery of Moon shots by the doomed SMART-1 spacecraft.

Gallery: Best Views from the Space Shuttle
Check out this new gallery of cool views from past Shuttle missions.


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