Monday, September 4, 2006

Zit Myths Cleared Up
Washing your face won't clear your skin of those pesky pustules. So what will?
Sperm Destroyed When Refrigerator Malfunctions
Thousands of sperm samples, some stored by men who feared they could become impotent, were destroyed.
Fossils Suggest Chaotic Recovery from Mass Extinction
The asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs was harsh on plants and insects, too. Now scientists get insight into the spotty nature of their comebacks.

Mother Deer Can't Recognize Fawn's Cry
Fallow deer have developed an interesting strategy for surviving the first few weeks of life. They just hide and stay quiet.
The Sketchy Skills of a Psychic Sleuth
Voice of Reason: How Dorothy Allison fooled detectives and the media with her "predictions" of John Mark Karr's involvement in the JonBenet Ramsey case.
Image of the Day: Nesting Leatherback Sea Turtle
These photographs show an adult leatherback sea turtle laying her eggs.


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