Update for September 5, 2006
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September 5, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 5, 2006 04:54 pm EDT 
Huge Black Holes Stifle Star Formation
Supermassive black holes play a stealthy role in two major types of galaxies in the universe, bulking up until they are big enough to effectively shut down the formation of new stars, scientists have found.
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Clouds Aside, Shuttle Atlantis Set for Wednesday Launch
Shuttle Atlantis Cleared for Wednesday Launch Attempt
Moon Crash Stirs Up Ideas For The Future
Partial Lunar Eclipse Set for Sept. 7
The Solar System becomes a Gated Community
posted: 04 September 2006 01:28 pm EDT
BLOG: NASA Spaceport Needs Better Problem Tracking Tool, Report Says
posted: EDT
Strange Space Pinwheels Spotted
posted: 04 September 2006 01:15 pm EDT
Delta 2 Tank Worries Delay STEREO Launch
posted: 04 September 2006 10:20 am EDT
Clyde Tombaugh's Family Joins Protest of Pluto's Downgrade
Gallery: Best Views from the Space Shuttle
VOTE NOW: Most Amazing Galactic Images Ever
posted: EDT
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown
Hubble Space Telescope: Greatest Hits
Vote: Fantastic Tales: Urban Legends Debunked

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