September 7, 2006

NATO’s Chiefs of Defence to Meet in Warsaw: 8-10 September

The Alliance’s top military officers will meet in Warsaw, Poland from 08 – 10 September, 2006, to discuss a wide variety of issues including NATO operations, and to shape key military work leading to the Riga Summit at the end of November. 

The Military Committee is NATO's highest military authority, with formal meetings at the level of Chiefs of Defence Staff taking place three times a year, including twice in Brussels. Once a year, the meeting is convened in a member country, and this marks the first time the body has met in Poland. On a daily basis, the work of the Military Committee, based at NATO HQ in Brussels, is undertaken by permanent military representatives of the chiefs of defence.

The meetings are expected to cover: NATO operations, with a particular emphasis on the ISAF operation in Afghanistan; developments respecting the NATO Response Force (NRF); and military transformation initiatives within the Alliance.

The Chairman of the Military Committee General Ray Henault, and the Polish Chief of Defence Staff General Franciszek Gagor, will hold a joint press conference from 1215-1245, on 09 September at the Warsaw Press Building.


Note for the Media:

Point of contact for the joint press conference:

Mrs Katarzyna Adamczuk

Public Information Advisor

Polish Ministry of Defence

Fax   +48 22 6 871430

Tel.   +48 22 6 870807


Point of contact for the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee:


Colonel Brett Boudreau

Public Information Advisor to the

Chairman of the Military Committee

NATO Headquarters

B-1110 Brussels

Fax + 32 (0) 2 707 5713

Tel +32 (0) 2 707 5423/5983

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