Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Methane Bubbles Make Global Warming Worse
Bubbling lakes in Siberia are releasing up to six times more methane into the atmosphere than previously thought.
Tiny Island Was Violent Microcosm of World Strife
The first settlers of Rapa island turned to violence when faced with the same pressures of environment and competition happening right now across the globe, a new study suggests.
FDA Approves Last-Ditch Artificial Heart
FDA officials green light replacement artificial hearts for patients who have no other treatment options.

Spread of Disease Related to Attraction Between Planets
The equations that describe the pull between planets can be applied to how insects spread disease from flower to flower.
Virtual Gun Runners Arrested
The charge? Copyright infringement.
Image of the Day: Black-shouldered Kite
This lithe and beautiful little raptor is checking out a pasture in tropical Queensland, northeast Australia.


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