U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Press Advisories
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No. 078-06 September 07, 2006
Logistical Update: DoD Commemorates 5th Sept. 11 Anniversary

The Department of Defense will host in a number of events within the National Capital Region to help commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Media will have several opportunites to cover DoD events Sept 9 through 11 as outlined:

Saturday, Sept. 9: 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. - PENTAGON MEMORIAL SITE TOURS
Accompany tour groups with a Pentagon Tour Guide as they see the Pentagon Memorial site, the impact site, and Memorial Area outside the Pentagon Chapel. Interested media will first pass through security screening in the South Pentagon Parking Lot then ask for LTC Brian Maka or CDR Greg Hicks. Parking will be available in a media lot at the South Pentagon Parking Lot. Media should contact DoD Public Affairs at (703) 697-5131 for access.

For the second year, thousands of Americans will gather in Washington, D.C. to walk in a national tribute to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks and to honor our veterans, past and present. The 2006 Freedom Walk will begin on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10, proceed across Memorial Bridge and conclude at the Pentagon South Parking lot, immediately adjacent to the crash site. Following the Freedom Walk, there will be a musical tribute from renowned mezzo soprano Denyce Graves and a light display featuring 184 beams of light, one for each life lost at the Pentagon, which will remain illuminated dusk 'til dawn each day until dawn on Sept. 12.

Media wishing to participate in the Freedom Walk should check-in at the press table on the Mall site beginning at 4:30 p.m. Additionally, there will be four media sites (details follow) for photo opportunities along the secure walk route. Once the roads close at 5 p.m., golf carts will be available to shuttle media along the route in the direction of the Walk. Media may be dropped off at any point along the route, but once they have been dropped off, they cannot get back on the cart or return to the Mall.

MEDIA SITE 1: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace, will make opening remarks and then lead the Freedom Walk with students and faculty members from three local schools whose students and teachers perished on Flight 77. Interested media will have access to the Washington Memorial site beginning at 4:30 p.m., with opening remarks at 6:30 p.m., and the Freedom Walk stepping off at 6:45 p.m. Media should check in at the Media Tent at 17th St. and Constitution Avenue between the Washington Monument and World

War Two Memorial. Satellite trucks should park at Independence Avenue near the Survey prior to 5pm. Roads will close at 5pm and trucks will not be able to move again until the roads reopen around 8:30pm.

MEDIA SITE 2: Photo opportunity to capture walkers cresting Memorial Bridge as they proceed on the Freedom Walk toward the Pentagon on the Rotary circle on the Virginia-side of the Memorial Bridge. Press check-in will begin on site at 4 p.m., with media in position by 5 p.m. when roads will close.

MEDIA SITE 3: Pentagon South Parking Lot at the conclusion of the Freedom Walk. Denyce Graves, the renowned mezzo soprano who performed "America The Beautiful" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the memorial service for the victims of Sept. 11 at the National Cathedral on Sept. 14, 2001, will headline a musical tribute and light demonstration featuring 184 beams of light, one for each life lost at the Pentagon. Interested media with satellite trucks may park in the South Pentagon Parking Lot media parking area no earlier than noon, and no later than 4 p.m. for security screening. After screening, ask for Cdr. Greg Hicks or Roxie Merritt for further information on where the media riser and cut riser are located. Media should contact DoD Public Affairs at (703) 697-5131 for access.

MEDIA SITE 4: Limited space is available at the CITGO gas station between the Pentagon and Navy Annex. Interested media can station themselves to use the Pentagon as a backdrop and capture the light demonstration. Media should contact Navy Public Affairs at (703) 697-5342 for access.

Monday marks the 5th Anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon.

MEDIA SITE 1: The Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld will host the Pentagon Sept. 11 Memorial Observance for family members of those who perished in the Sept. 11 attack on the Pentagon. The Memorial Observance will be open for interested media to cover. Details will be provided via separate press advisory.

MEDIA SITE 2: Limited space is available at the CITGO gas station between the Pentagon and Navy Annex. Interested media can station themselves to use the Pentagon as a backdrop and capture the light demonstration before dawn. Media should contact Navy Public Affairs at (703) 697-5342 for access.

MEDIA SITE 3: Pentagon South Parking Lot Lane 1. Interested media may position satellite trucks and conduct stand-ups in the South Pentagon Parking Lot utilizing the Pentagon as a backdrop. Media should contact DoD Public Affairs at (703) 697-5131 for access.

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-- U.S. Department of Defense News About the War on Terrorism - http://www.defendamerica.mil/