Update for September 8, 2006
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September 8, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 8, 2006 04:07 pm EDT 
Mission Atlantis: Errant Fuel Sensor Scrubs Shuttle Launch
Last minute glitches continued to plague NASA’s space shuttle Atlantis after an errant fuel tank sensor prevented the orbiter and its six-astronaut crew from rocketing towards the International Space Station (ISS) Friday.
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Mars Rover Poised for Run at Victoria Crater
Modified Backyard Telescopes Find Extrasolar Planet
Huge Black Holes Stifle Star Formation
Dark Skies Reveal Planet Uranus
Planetary Politics: Protecting Pluto
posted: 07 September 2006 12:29 am EDT
Newfound Object Further Blurs Planet Definition
posted: 07 September 2006 01:00 pm EDT
Shuttle Atlantis to Launch Without ISS Chef Special
posted: 06 September 2006 12:33 am EDT
After 40 Years, Star Trek 'Won't Die'
posted: 07 September 2006 12:13 pm EDT
Shuttle Atlantis Cleared for Wednesday Launch Attempt
Rocket Tests Planned for NASA’s Next Spaceship
Strange Space Pinwheels Spotted
posted: 04 September 2006 01:15 pm EDT
Gallery: Best Views from the Space Shuttle
VOTE NOW: Most Amazing Galactic Images Ever
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown

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Complete Coverage: Shuttle Atlantis Launch Delayed 24 Hours


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