Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wild Chimps Use Crossing Guards
Dominant chimps evaluate risks of crossing a road before leading the rest of their group to move forward.
Fall Fashion Guide: The Chicken Feather Suit
Chicken feathers and rice straw could become commonplace in clothing in the future, scientists report.
Brain and Body Shrink Before Alzheimer's Sets In
The body, and not the mind, might be the first thing to go in people with Alzheimer's and related dementias.

Destructive Insects on Rise in Alaska
Global warming may be endangering Alaskan trees by weakening their defenses and bolstering insects that bore into them.
Raw Sewage Taints Sacred Jordan River
Actions by neighboring countries are polluting the waters of the sacred Jordan River.
Image of the Day: Sandhills Hornet, a.k.a. Yellow Jacket
A sandhills hornet, more commonly known as a yellow jacket, is an abundant wasp in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.


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