Update for September 12, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
September 12, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 12, 2006 05:15 pm EDT 
Water Worlds: Astronomer Predicts Many Earth-Like Planets
New simulation results show that one of every three known planetary systems might harbor Earth-like planets.
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Spacewalkers Prime New ISS Solar Arrays for Deployment
NASA: No Extra Heat Shield Inspections for Shuttle Atlantis
Pluto is Now Just a Number: 134340
Study Questions Big Bang (Scientists Question the Study)
STS-115's Rock, Knob and Third Solar Array
posted: 12 September 2006 04:00 pm EDT
Busy Day Follows ISS Arrival for Atlantis Astronauts
posted: 11 September 2006 01:22 pm EDT
NASA Commemorates 9/11 Anniversary
posted: 11 September 2006 04:17 pm EDT
Atlantis Astronauts Prepared With Weightlifting
posted: 11 September 2006 02:19 pm EDT
Study: Earth and Space Weather Connected
New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
posted: EDT
Milky Way Galaxy: The Best of Your Images
Gallery: Earth, As Seen from Space
Vote: The Best Space Movies

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night Complete Space & Astronomy Pack 2006 edition
If you're new to astronomy, this is the perfect introduction. Explore these great features!

New Gallery: STS-115: Atlantis's Launch Day
NASA’s shuttle Atlantis rocketed spaceward with six astronauts and the future of the ISS aboard.

NEW! Tom Jones Podcast #1: Emotional Astronautics
Astronaut, planetary scientist, and former B-52 commander Tom Jones interview with's Dave Brody.


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