Update for September 13, 2006
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September 13, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 13, 2006 04:52 pm EDT 
Spacewalk Sets Stage for ISS Solar Array Deployment
HOUSTON – Two spacewalking astronauts freed a new piece of the International Space Station (ISS) to rotate independently from the rest of the 233-ton orbital laboratory, paving the way for the deployment of two solar arrays this week.
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Griffin to Go to China: But What Will He Accomplish When He Gets There?
NASA Craft Settles Into Mars Orbit
First Bright Galaxies Formed Very Rapidly
Water Worlds: Astronomer Predicts Many Earth-Like Planets
STS-115's Rock, Knob and Third Solar Array
posted: 12 September 2006 04:00 pm EDT
NASA: No Extra Heat Shield Inspections for Shuttle Atlantis
posted: 11 September 2006 8:06 p.m. EDT
Pluto is Now Just a Number: 134340
posted: 11 September 2006 05:38 pm EDT
Busy Day Follows ISS Arrival for Atlantis Astronauts
posted: 11 September 2006 01:22 pm EDT
NEW! Tom Jones Podcast #1: Emotional Astronautics
VIDEO: Extreme Living: On Earth and Other Worlds
Gallery: Great Mountains of The Solar System
posted: EDT
Sky-High Technology: A Multimedia Adventure
New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images
Vote: The Best Space Movies

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night Complete Space & Astronomy Pack 2006 edition
If you're new to astronomy, this is the perfect introduction. Explore these great features!

New Gallery: STS-115: Atlantis's Launch Day
NASA’s shuttle Atlantis rocketed spaceward with six astronauts and the future of the ISS aboard.

Vote for the Freakiest Lab Animals
Some genetically altered creatures are loaded with human cells and even organs. Others glow. Vote for the freakiest.


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