Update for September 14, 2006
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September 14, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 14, 2006 11:07 am EDT 
Astronauts Unfurl New Solar Wings at ISS
HOUSTON – The International Space Station (ISS) unfurled a new set of gleaming solar wings Thursday despite a late start prompted by a software glitch.
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Rocket Racing League: Spreading Its Wings
NASA Craft Settles Into Mars Orbit
The Legacy of Star Trek
Object Larger than Pluto Named Eris
First Bright Galaxies Formed Very Rapidly
posted: 13 September 2006 01:12 pm EDT
Griffin to Go to China: But What Will He Accomplish When He Gets There?
posted: 13 September 2006 07:28 am EDT
STS-115's Rock, Knob and Third Solar Array
posted: 12 September 2006 04:00 pm EDT
Water Worlds: Astronomer Predicts Many Earth-Like Planets
posted: 12 September 2006 06:10 am EDT
Vote for the Freakiest Lab Animals
New Gallery: STS-115: Atlantis's Launch Day
NEW! Tom Jones Podcast #1: Emotional Astronautics
posted: EDT
VIDEO: All Eyes on Mars
Space Tourism: Multimedia Adventure!
New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images

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