Thursday, September 14, 2006

Artificial Humans Gills Inspired by Diving Beetles
By studying how beetles can trap air to keep from drowning, researchers suggest a trick that could help people breathe underwater.
El Nino Forms, Throttling Hurricane Formation
El Nino conditions have developed in the tropical Pacific and are likely to continue into early 2007.
Man's Bionic Arm Provides Hope for GIs
Jesse Sullivan is first amputee with a thought-controlled artificial arm.

Tenacious Neanderthals Held Out in Pockets
Neanderthals might have endured thousands of years longer than previous thought, increasing the possibility they interbred with humans.
Sun's Variations Have Little Effect on Global Warming
Changes in the brightness of the Sun had little affect on Earth's unusual warming since the 17th century.
Image of the Day: Happy Swimming
A group of 14 turtles, very sick last fall and now robust, were released after being treated on Cape Cod's Dowses Beach. Credit: NOAA


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