Update for September 15, 2006
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September 15, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: September 15, 2006 03:15 pm EDT 
Interview with Anousheh Ansari, the First Female Space Tourist
In an interview with Ansari discusses the hardest part of her training, the most anticipated part of her trip, and why she takes offense to the term "space tourist."
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Mission Atlantis: Spacewalkers Help Deploy New ISS Radiator
BLOG: NASA Officials Outline China Space Talks
Partial Solar Eclipse for South America Sept. 22
Brighter Space Station Might Rival Venus in Night Sky
Madonna Space Trip On Hold For Now
posted: 15 September 2006 08:52 am EDT
Puffy 'Cork' Planet Would Float on Water
posted: 14 September 2006 11:45 am EDT
Spacewalkers Add to Orbiting Space Junk
posted: 14 September 2006 06:25 pm EDT
Rocket Racing League: Spreading Its Wings
posted: 14 September 2006 08:06 am EDT
Space Tourism: Multimedia Adventure!
New: Stars and Galaxies Wallpaper, Part 2
Amazing Images: Upload Yours Now and Even Buy a Poster!
posted: EDT
Vote: The Best Space Movies
Vote for the Freakiest Lab Animals
New: Lightning Strikes: The Best of Your Amazing Images

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