Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ancient Hindu Text Preserved by Modern Technology
Digital imaging records 700-year-old manuscript written on crumbling palm leaves before it's put back in its wooden chest, never to be opened again.
Fish Explores Land with Robotic Device
First time on land? Terranaut, the robotic exploration vehicle art project by Seth Weiner, is definitely the way to go.
Study: You Do Have Time to Exercise
Short bursts of intense exercise seem to have a similar effect as longer moderate activity.

Floating Ocean Windmills Designed to Generate More Power
Swaying windmills floating hundreds of miles out at sea could one day help satisfy our energy needs without being eyesores.
Life is a Devil's Bargain: Cancer or Aging
Deterioration of body and mind are the prices our bodies pay for protection against cancer as we grow older, new studies suggest.
Image of the Day: Fjord Wake
Wakes represent a richly structured example of hydrodynamics at the air/sea interface. These regions of turbulence, caused by the flow of air or water, occur behind a solid body such as a boat.


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