NATO Update - 18-24 September 2006
18-24 September 2006

"NATO Update" provides
up-to-date news
activities and
Conceived for
the general
public, it aims to give a broad
overview of
Alliance-wide initiatives.

NATO Ministers take forward Riga agenda
Meeting in New York in preparation for the upcoming NATO Summit in Riga, Foreign Ministers addressed the Alliance’s operation in Afghanistan, enlargement of NATO, strengthening NATO’s partnerships, intensified dialogue with Georgia and the situation in Darfur.
Russian ship flies NATO flag
The Russian Federation ship Pitliviy flew the NATO flag as it joined the NATO naval force that monitors shipping and possible threats in the Mediterranean as part of the Alliance’s Operation Active Endeavour.
High resolution photo (.JPG/280Kb)
Video clip (.WMV/6613Kb)
Further Australian support to NATO-ISAF's reconstruction efforts
Commemorative Ceremony - NATO HQ - 11 September 2006
Around 100 Australian soldiers have arrived in Uruzgan Province in southern Afghanistan as part of Australia's contribution to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
NATO Secretary General expresses great sorrow at death of Canadian-ISAF soldiers
I would like to express my great sorrow at the death of four of our Canadian-ISAF soldiers today. I send my most sincere condolences to the families of the victims.
First meeting of NATO transformation chiefs
The first ever meeting of chiefs of transformation from NATO countries, held at Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia, US, wrapped up on 13 September 2006.
Contract Award for NATO’s Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence Programme
A key decision has been taken for NATO’s Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD) Programme. Marking a major milestone in Alliance efforts to field a “layered” theatre missile defence system providing protection for deployed NATO forces, a selection of an international consortium to build an Integration Test Bed puts NATO on track to have an initial operational capability by 2010.

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