PR/CP (2006)121
12 October 2006

A NATO-Russia Exercise to take place in Moscow

Under the aegis of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), the Theatre Missile Defence Ad Hoc Working Group (TMD AHWG) will conduct the third joint NATO-Russia TMD Command Post Exercise (CPX) from 16-25 October 2006 at the Russian Simulation Facility located in the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of this third CPX is to validate the Experimental Concept and associated Experimental Concept of Operations (CONOPS) developed by the joint NATO-Russia TMD Ad Hoc Working Group. Over sixty participants from eleven NATO nations and eighty participants from the Russian Federation are going to take part in CPX3. Additional support and participation will be provided by the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs), the International Staff (IS), the tri-national(*)  Extended Air Defence Task Force (EADTF) and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

This is the third in a series of joint NATO-Russia TMD exercises. The initial CPX was conducted at the Joint National Integration Center (JNIC) in the United States in 2004. Last year The Netherlands hosted Cooperative Optic Windmill (CPX2) at De Peel Airbase. This third CPX will build on the work conducted previously and be a prelude for a first Field Training Exercise, provisionally scheduled for autumn 2007. 

The CPX is a computer-assisted, real time event that focuses on command and control of missile defence forces deployed in a specific theatre of operations. Together with a joint Interoperability Study being conducted under the lead of the NATO C3 Agency (NC3A) and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the CPX is expected to provide the basis for future interoperability enhancements. This is an important step in the practical cooperation between NATO and the Russian Federation as foreseen in the Rome Declaration of 2002.

For more information on the exercise please contact LTC Sergei Khabibullin, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, +7(495)696 83 52, or Mr. James Lovell, Defence Investment Division, NATO HQ, +32.2.707.4763.

 For more information on the Extended Air Defence Task Force and their participation in the NRC, please contact, Colonel Thomas Köhring, Deputy Chief EADTF, +49.2736.44.2728.

(*) The three nations comprising the EADTF are Germany, the Netherlands and the United States

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