Secretary Rumsfeld Radio Interview on the Jeff Katz Show, WBT Charlotte, NC
SEC. RUMSFELD: Okay, Rumsfeld here. KATZ: Jeff Katz. How are you, Mr. Secretary? SEC. RUMSFELD: Well, I'm fine. How are you? I guess you were here at the Pentagon for Radio Day, and I missed you.
KATZ: You did. You owe me a lunch, but this'll make up for it.
SEC. RUMSFELD: Well, all right! (Laughs.)
KATZ: I appreciate your taking time to be here, and let's jump right into it. At one of your briefings recently at the Pentagon you indicated that the situation in
RUMSFELD: Oh, you bet. That's a critically important question. You know, we're in this funny situation -- not funny, but a complicated situation, unusual, where the military can't lose a battle in
Second, the military really is never any better than the government, and you have to have a government that supports the military and that the military supports. And so the governance process in Afghanistan and Iraq is critically important, and that
So those are the kinds of things beyond military that are needed.
KATZ: Well, we hear from a number of folks in the media, we certainly hear from some of the opposition politicians on the Hill that these benchmarks -- in particular, security benchmarks -- are just not being met by the Iraqis. True or false?
RUMSFELD: Well, they are being met. I don't know who says that. But broadly, if you think about it, we laid out a plan to train and equip the Iraqi security forces for the defense department's -- the Ministry of Defense forces, and the Department of Defense of the
But if you think back, one of the benchmarks was that the Iraqi security forces would provide security for the referendum on the constitution and for the election that took place last December. Well, they did, and the elections were successful and 12 million people voted. They're doing a very good job. Every once in a while they'll have trouble and they'll get outnumbered or outgunned by some militia or some terrorist group, and we'll have to go in and give them a hand, and that's understandable. It's not a nice, smooth road.
But I think people who run around denigrating the Iraqi or the Afghan security forces are out of touch.
KATZ: Mr. Secretary, can you give us a ballpark figure on the number of terrorists, the number of insurgents that we're actually battling over there?
RUMSFELD: Oh, goodness. You know, the experts can, and what they
The last thing I would say is it has evolved over time. The nature of it is somewhat different today than last year and the year before, and therefore it's perfectly possible for you to ask experts and get quite different answers, because you have to be very precise as to what part of the country you're talking about, what time -- now or last week or last month.
KATZ: Well, let me ask you, in terms of the number of troops, we look at the number of troops that are on the ground in
RUMSFELD: No, Jeff. The situation is this: We have a hundred and -- for the sake of argument -- forty-seven thousand troops in
KATZ: Now, I know, and --
RUMSFELD: Wait -- wait one second. I'm sorry. The last thought -- it was the last part of your question -- the chairman of the Joint Chiefs meets with the chiefs of staff of the services on a regular basis, and they ask that very important question you asked. They say, "Okay, given the nature of our world and given the war plans we have and contingency plans, and given the dangers that exist in Asia or in Europe or wherever --
KATZ: Let me ask you a question, Mr.
Secretary, about these timetables. We've heard so many people who have been opposed to action in
SEC. RUMSFELD: Well, it is an interesting thing. Of course it's -- we have to begin with the beginning, and the beginning is this is an election season.
KATZ: Yeah. (Chuckles.)
SEC. RUMSFELD: And there's a lot of mischief being made and things that are being said. People are trying to, oh, say there's daylight between what the president said and what the prime minister said or someone else.
The fact is this, that you're quite right. A timetable -- that is to say, a date at which we will withdraw our forces, coalition forces, is exactly what the enemy would like.
They would -- they would -- they win then. They can just sit there and wait, and then they can go back in and try to turn
Therefore, instead of that, what's being done is -- the president said, "Look, we're going to stay the course." And by "course" he didn't mean we were going to stay there in perpetuity. We're not an occupying power. We don't want to be there in perpetuity. What he was saying is we're going to get the job done, and we're going to prevail. We're going to win. We're going to achieve that which we wanted to achieve, and what we wanted to achieve is the following -- is to have a country that is respectful of all of its varying elements, the different religious groups and the people in that country, a country
that's at peace with its neighbors and is not a terrorist state and not a haven for terrorists. And that's the goal. And the method of getting there is by training and equipping the Iraqi security forces and by creating an environment within which the constitutionally elected government of
KATZ: Well, Mr.
Secretary, let me ask you this final question. The thoughts of all Americans, I hope, are with the troops. They're with the men and the women that have the boots on the ground there. You and the Department of Defense clearly have the America Supports You program. Give us some sense of what we here in the
RUMSFELD: Well, I sure appreciate that. It is -- it is just inspirational for me to have the privilege of working with the men and women in uniform that are in
We have a website called Americasupportsyou.mil, m-i-l, and anyone who would like to can go to that website and see what the -- what a wonderfully generous and compassionate people the American people are. It tells what schools are doing, what corporations are doing, what hospitals are doing, what organizations of different types are doing, not just for the troops -- and God bless them for doing that -- but the families of the troops also serve and sacrifice, when you think about it. And there's a lot on the website that can show ways that people can be of assistance to the families of the troops, and it is a wonderful thing to see how much -- how much the American people step forward to help out.
KATZ: Well, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, I thank you so much for taking the time. Please let those troops know they are in our thoughts and prayers, as you are. God bless you.
SEC. RUMSFELD: Thank you so very much. I appreciate it. It was good to visit with you.
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