NATO Update - 23-29 October 2006
23-29 October 2006

"NATO Update" provides
up-to-date news
activities and
Conceived for
the general
public, it aims to give a broad
overview of
Alliance-wide initiatives.

Secretary General visits United States
27 Oct 2006 - NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer met on 27 October with President Bush, with Secretaries Rice and Rumsfeld, as well as with Stephen Hadley, Assistant to the President For National Security Affairs.
Record drug seizure in Afghanistan
Joint efforts of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police have permitted the recent record seizure of two loads of drugs in Afghanistan.
NATO Secretary General visits Russia
On 26 October the NATO Secretary General met with President Putin and discussed the key issues on the NATO-Russia agenda, including how to deepen military-to-military cooperation and how to further stimulate political exchanges between the Allies and Russia.
Missile defence and ground surveillance progress
Armaments Directors from the 26 NATO countries moved forward on two key NATO capabilities initiatives, Alliance Ground Surveillance and Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence.
NATO and Russia ‘counter’ dirty bomb
Emergency teams from NATO and Russia tackled the consequences of a simulated “dirty bomb” attack in Italy in exercise “Lazio 2006”, which ended on 26 October.
NATO chief discusses Riga, Afghanistan in Berlin
During a visit to Berlin, 25 October, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer repeated his call for the entire international community to remain engaged in Afghanistan.
Hungarian Revolution commemorated at NATO
A special exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution was opened at NATO Headquarters on 25 October.
NATO Public Diplomacy Conference in Israel
On 23 October 2006, the Deputy Secretary General of NATO H.E. Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo and the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel H.E. Ms. Tzipi Livni opened a two-day conference on: “NATO ’s Transformation, the Mediterranean Dialogue, NATO-Israel Relations", co-sponsored by NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Atlantic Forum of Israel in Herzliya.
OSCE Chairman briefs NATO Council
The Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht, addressed the North Atlantic Council on 25 October.

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