13 November, 2006

NATO and Partner Chiefs of Defence meet at NATO Headquarters, Brussels
15-16 November 2006

The AllianceÂ’s top military officers will meet at NATO HQ, Brussels from 15  16 November, 2006 to discuss a wide variety of issues including NATO operations, and to shape key military work prior to the Riga Summit in two weeksÂ’ time.

The Military Committee is NATOÂ’s highest military authority, with formal meetings at the level of Chiefs of Defence Staff taking place three times a year, including twice in Brussels.  The meetings convene in five different sessions:  NATO member nations; NATO with Partners; NATO with the seven Mediterranean Dialogue countries; NATO with Ukraine, and NATO with Russia.

The meetings among NATO  nations will focus on all operations, but particularly the ISAF operation in Afghanistan and NATOÂ’s mission in Kosovo. Capability issues, transformational initiatives and developments respecting the NATO Response Force are also among the issues to be discussed.

A media opportunity with the Chairman of the Military Committee, General Ray Henault, will take place from 1200-1220hrs, on Thursday, 16 November at NATO HQ, Brussels.

Note for the Media:

Point of contact for administrative arrangements for the press conference:
Lt-Col. Tony White
Public Information Officer
Office of the Public Information Adviser
International Military Staff
Tel: +322 707 5752 or +322 707 5423
Fax:  +322 707 5713

Point of contact for the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee:
Colonel Brett Boudreau
Public Information Adviser to the Chairman, Military Committee
International Military Staff
Tel:  +322 707 5983

Photos of the opening sessions will be available on-line at  Point of contact:
Mr. Georges DeBrouwer
Public Diplomacy Division
TV & Radio Unit
Tel:  +322 707 5049

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