HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science

DAILY REPORT      # 4248

PERIOD COVERED: UT November 28, 2006 (DOY 332)


ACS/HRC 10833

Host Galaxies of Reverberation Mapped AGNs

We propose to obtain unsaturated high-resolution images of 17
reverberation-mapped active galactic nuclei in order to remove the
point-like nuclear light from each image, thus yielding a "nucleus-free"
image of the host galaxy. This will allow investigation of host galaxy
properties: our particular interest is determination of the host-galaxy
starlight contribution to the reverberation-mapping observations. This
is necessary {1} for accurate determination of the relationship between
the AGN nuclear continuum flux and the size of the broad Balmer-line
emitting regions of AGNs, which is important in estimating black hole
masses for large samples of QSOs, and {2} for accurate determination of
the bolometric luminosity of the AGN proper. Through observations in
Cycles 12 and 14, we have obtained or will obtain images of 18 of the 35
objects in the reverberation-mapping compilation of Peterson et al.
{2004}. These observations revealed that the host-galaxy contribution,
even in the higher-luminosity AGNs, is higher than expected and that all
of the reverberation-mapped AGNs will have to be observed, not just the
lower-luminosity sources; each source is different, and each source is
important. Therefore we request time to observe the 17 remaining
reverberation-mapped AGNs.

ACS/HRC 10910

HST / Chandra Monitoring of a Dramatic Flare in the M87 Jet

As the nearest galaxy with an optical jet, M87 affords an unparalleled
opportunity to study extragalactic jet phenomena at the highest
resolution. During 2002, HST and Chandra monitoring of the M87 jet
detected a dramatic flare in knot HST-1 located ~1" from the nucleus.
Its optical brightness eventually increased seventy-fold and peaked in
2005; the X-rays show a similarly dramatic outburst. In both bands HST-1
is still extremely bright and greatly outshines the galaxy nucleus. To
our knowledge this is the first incidence of an optical or X-ray
outburst from a jet region which is spatially distinct from the core
source -- this presents an unprecedented opportunity to study the
processes responsible for non-thermal variability and the X-ray
emission. We propose five epochs of HST/ACS flux monitoring during Cycle
15, as well as seven epochs of Chandra/ACIS observation {5ksec each,
five Chandra epochs contemporary with HST}. At two of the HST/ACS epochs
we also gather spectral information and map the magnetic field
structure. The results of this investigation are of key importance not
only for understanding the nature of the X-ray emission of the M87 jet,
but also for understanding flares in blazar jets, which are highly
variable, but where we have never before been able to resolve the
flaring region in the optical or X-rays. These observations will allow
us to test synchrotron emission models for the X-ray outburst, constrain
particle acceleration and loss timescales, and study the jet dynamics
associated with this flaring component.

ACS/WFC 10521

ACS Imaging of a Unique Spitzer Field: Morphology of mid-IR Variable

We propose to observe the IRAC Dark Field, an extragalactic field 15
arcminutes in diameter near the north ecliptic pole, using 50 orbits of
ACS imaging at I-band. This field is extraordinarily deep and is
uniquely suited to detecting variable objects in the mid-infrared. The
high spatial resolution ACS imaging will be used to derive morphological
information about the galaxies in the field, which will then be
correlated with mid-infrared variable objects {specifically AGN and
supernovae} we have discovered. This field is the dark current
calibration target for the Spitzer Space Telescope, the infrared
counterpart to HST. Because the field is observed frequently as part of
routine operations, it is now similar in size and depth to the infrared
component of the GOODS program, and is confusion-limited in the
mid-infrared. More importantly, due to the periodicity of the
observations, the Spitzer observations are sensitive to variability on
week timescales, ultimately spanning a baseline of five years, and are
the only mid-infrared dataset that will ever have this capability at
this depth. By complementing our wide range of lower resolution imaging
at optical and infrared wavelengths, we hope to exploit one of HST's
most unique capabilities - unparalleled spatial resolution in the
optical. While our specific interest lies in analysis of variable
sources, we will request no proprietary period on the ACS data so that
it may be used by the community to complement the publicly available
Spitzer data.

ACS/WFC 10809

The nature of "dry" mergers in the nearby Universe

Recent studies have shown that "dry" mergers of red, bulge-dominated
galaxies at low redshift play an important role in shaping today's most
massive ellipticals. These mergers have been identified in extremely
deep ground-based images of red sequence galaxies at z ~ 0.1. The
ground-based images reach surface brightness limits of AB ~ 29, but lack
the resolution to study the morphologies of the galaxies inside the
effective radius. Here we propose to obtain ACS images of a
representative sample of 40 of these red sequence galaxies: 15 ongoing
dry mergers, 15 remnants, and 10 undisturbed objects. We will measure
the isophote shapes and ellipticities of the galaxies, their dust
content, morphological fine structure {shells and ripples}, AGN content,
and their location on the Fundamental Plane. By comparing galaxies in
different stages of the merging process we can constrain the amount of
gas associated with these red mergers, the effect of active nuclei, and
track structural changes. As two galaxies can be observed in a single
orbit 20 orbits are requested to observe the 40 galaxies.

NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8794

NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 5

A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of
NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA
contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50
minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in parallel
in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be non-standard
reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark. The
keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each
POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated with the time, in
addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so
each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for
users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw and processed images
will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs. Generally we expect that all NICMOS
science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an
SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science
images. Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA
passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors.

NIC3 11062

NICMOS non-linearity tests

This program incorporates a number of tests to analyse the count rate
dependent non-linearity seen in NICMOS spectro-photometric observations.
We will observe a field with stars of a range in luminosity in NGC3603
with NICMOS in NIC1: F090M, F110W, F140W, F160W NIC2: F110W, F160W,
F187W, F205W, and F222M NIC3: F110W, F150W, F160W, F175W, and F222M. We
will repeat the observations with flatfield lamp on, creating
artificially high count-rates, allowing tests of NICMOS linearity as
function of count rate. We first take exposures with the lamp off, then
exposures with the lamp on, and repeat at the end with lamp off.
Finally, we continue with taking darks during occultation. We will
furthermore observe spectro-photometric standard P041C using the G096,
G141, and G206 grisms in NIC3, and repeat the lamp off/on/off test to
artificially create a high background.

WFPC2 10745


This calibration proposal is the Cycle 14 routine internal monitor for
WFPC2, to be run weekly to monitor the health of the cameras. A variety
of internal exposures are obtained in order to provide a monitor of the
integrity of the CCD camera electronics in both bays {both gain 7 and
gain 15 -- to test stability of gains and bias levels}, a test for
quantum efficiency in the CCDs, and a monitor for possible buildup of
contaminants on the CCD windows. These also provide raw data for
generating annual super-bias reference files for the calibration


Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports
of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)

10531 - ReAcq(2,3,2) fails after achieving FLDV on both FGSes @ 324/0554z
          OTA SE review of PTAS processing log file (M_SA324Q.LG2) reveals that
          the ReAcq(2,3,2) that was scheduled for 2006.324/05:46 ultimately failed
          after achieving FLDV on FGS2 and FGS3. The initial GSAcq(2,3,2) at
          2006.324/04:14 was successful and the FGS2 star was found in a 26 a-s
          SRad while the ReAcq's SRad was ~ 53 a-s. SciInit was never reached on
          the failed ReAcq.



                        SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL   
FGS GSacq               09                     09              
FGS REacq               04                     04                                  
OBAD with Maneuver  26                     26      


          Joe L. Cooper
              Office:      301 286-6970
              Home:      301 490-2449
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