Friday, December 1, 2006
Genocide Rules Ant Warfare
When it comes to differentiating a friend from a rival, invasive ants have it easier than humans: they use genetic differences, a new study shows.
Freezing Ovaries May Preserve Fertility
A new program aimed at freezing women?s ovaries could provide new hope for cancer patients facing fertility loss.
Students Hack Popular Device to Track Jogger's Whereabouts
A popular runner's device that combines Nike shoes with an iPod to track a workout could also be used by criminals to track a person's whereabouts.
Scientists Puzzled by Extreme Penguin Dives
Researchers live with penguins (except when they dive) to try and figure out how the birds dive so deep without killing themselves.
Startling Discovery: The First Human Ritual
Ancient artifacts and a python's head carved of stone push back the dawn of human ritualistic activity to 70,000 years ago.
Microscopic Barcodes Identify Biological Weapons Quickly
The technology would allow soldiers to use the right kind of anti-pathogen protection at just the right time.
Image of the Day: Avoiding Icy Skies
Beginning December 6, aviation weather users will receive detailed updates on in-flight icing, which can endanger commuter planes and larger commercial aircraft.
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