NATO Update - 15-21 January 2007
15-21 January 2007

"NATO Update" provides
up-to-date news
activities and
Conceived for
the general
public, it aims to give a broad
overview of
Alliance-wide initiatives.

NATO Secretary General outlines priorities for 2007
17 Jan. 2007 - At the annual press reception on the occasion of the New Year, held at NATO Headquarters, NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, outlined the priorities of the Alliance for 2007.
World’s largest demilitarization project reaches key milestone
17 Jan. 2007 - The beginning of the NATO-supported destruction of some 400,000 small arms and light weapons in Ukraine, 16 January, is another milestone in what is the world’s single largest demilitarization project.
US Secretary of Defense visits NATO HQ
15 Jan. 2007 - During a visit to NATO HQ on 15 January, the new US Secretary of Defense, Mr. Robert Gates, said success in Afghanistan was a top priority.
Poland joins NATO’s ‘eyes in the sky’
29 Dec. 2006 - On 29 December 2006, Poland formally joined 15 other NATO countries that contribute to and manage NATO’s fleet of NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) radar aircraft, also known as AWACS.
NATO Foreign Ministers to meet in Brussels
18 Jan. 2007 - To mark a busy beginning of the new year, the Allies decided to convene a meeting of Foreign Ministers to focus primarily on Afghanistan and Kosovo. It will take place at NATO HQ on 26 January.
Strengthening NATO's partnerships to be discussed
11 Jan. 2007 - The Riga Summit decisions on strengthening NATO's partnerships will be the focus of a major event, the 2007 Partnership for Peace Planning Symposium, at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany, 18-19 January.

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