PR/CP (2007)001-REV
18 Jan. 2007

Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
at the level of Foreign Ministers

Brussels, 26 January 2007


1. Introduction

The North Atlantic Council will meet at the level of foreign ministers at NATO Headquarters on Friday, 26 January 2007. That meeting will be followed by a meeting of the NAC in Foreign Ministers session in ISAF format with Afghanistan and non-NATO contributors.

Details of the media programme will be available upon accreditation.


a.      Journalists holding valid permanent NATO press cards need not apply for accreditation.

b.      Media representatives not in possession of a valid NATO press card will be permitted to enter the press zone on presentation of individual temporary press cards. Advance application for this individual temporary press card may only be made electronically on-line by clicking on the following link: Every applicant has to create his own personal user name and password.    Only a 3,5 x 4,5 cm passport-sized identity photograph on JPEG format will be accepted.

        Applications for accreditation must be submitted before Tuesday, 23 January 2007.

        Applications received after that date may not be processed.

        Media representatives will be accredited at the Main site entrance of NATO Headquarters on presentation of a valid press card and valid photographic proof of identity and are asked to bring a print-out of the confirmation for successfully having submitted their personal details for the online accreditation request.
        Opening hours of the accreditation office:
        Thursday,       25 January      14:00 to 18:00 hours
        Friday,         26 January      06:30 to 12:30 hours

        Media representatives are advised that NATO security will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site.

3. Parking

Media representatives are advised that they will not be allowed to park their vehicles inside the NATO compound; they will be allowed to park on the “East” and “West” parking areas, just outside NATO’s Main site entrance. Outside broadcasting vans will park in the dedicated area of parking “East“ or on “parking H” upon request.

4. Enquiries

Press arrangements:     Mr. Damien Arnaud                       Tel: +32 (0)2 707 17 64
TV and Radio:           Mr. Georges De Brouwer          Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 49
Photo:                  Mrs. Celeste Palmer                     Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 33

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