U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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January 25, 2007

DoD Announces Afghanistan Force Adjustment

The Department of Defense announced today Secretary of Defense Robert Gates approved a request from commanders to extend for up to 120 additional days 3,200 soldiers of the 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division currently operating in Afghanistan. This extension will provide military capability for NATO to maintain the initiative and build upon the success achieved in promoting stability and security, while denying safe haven for the Taliban.

Force levels in Afghanistan continue to be conditions-based and will be determined in consultation with the Afghan government and NATO. The United States remains committed to leading the counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan, training and equipping the Afghan national security forces and assisting with reconstruction.

The United States continues to be NATO-International Security Assistance Force's largest troop contributor. This request for forces by U.S. commanders as part of NATO's forces in Afghanistan was endorsed by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe as a commitment to the NATO-ISAF mission in Afghanistan as NATO continues to identify capabilities needed to meet enduring requirements.

The Secretary and department recognize the additional sacrifice and continued contributions of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team and their family members. Army leadership is diligently working with service members and their families to provide support and resources to meet their needs.

For information on the unit announced today, please contact Army Public Affairs at (703) 692-2000.

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