26 JANUARY 2007





Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


A very good morning to you all and a warm welcome to this informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council at Foreign Ministers level.


In Riga, Allied Heads of State and Government re-affirmed their strong commitment to NATO’s operations, most importantly those in Afghanistan and Kosovo.  Today’s meeting will reinforce this commitment. 


We will discuss how to orchestrate a comprehensive approach, one that brings together civilian and military instruments in a coordinated and effective way.


Afghanistan,  NATO’s top priority is about building schools, roads and democratic institutions, but it is also about conducting military operations to support the elected Afghan Government and allow reconstruction to go forward. To achieve results, the International Community needs to provide both the necessary military and civilian resources.


2007 will be an important year.


I am pleased that following our discussion in this NAC format, we will also discuss how to achieve a truly comprehensive approach with ISAF troop contributing nations, the UN, EU and World Bank and the important donors Japan and the Republic of Korea.


This morning, we will also discuss Kosovo.  Today, President Ahtisaari is presenting his way forward on the status process – a process entering a decisive phase.  This morning, we will discuss the way forward, and how NATO can best continue to play its crucial role in underpinning the political process.


Nous allons examiner comment l’OTAN peut aider au mieux à mettre en œuvre un futur réglement sur le statut de la province, en particulier dans le domaine de la sécurité.


Compte tenu des rôles fondamentaux que l'OTAN et l'UE joueront dans le scénario post-règlement, il nous faudra veiller à ce que la coopération politique entre nos deux organisations soit sans faille, notamment pendant la délicate phase de transition et après.


Notre réunion d’aujourd’hui devrait encore une fois démontrer que l’OTAN est une Alliance qui agit, une Alliance qui emploie de nouveaux moyens pour projeter la sécurité et la stabilité dans la zone euro-atlantique et au-delà.

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