NATO Update - 5 - 11 February 2007
5 - 11 February 2007

"NATO Update" provides
up-to-date news
activities and
Conceived for
the general
public, it aims to give a broad
overview of
Alliance-wide initiatives.

NATO Defence Ministers discuss in Seville
On 8 and 9 February, NATO Defence Ministers met in Seville, Spain to discuss NATO’s operations, transformation and relations with Partners.
Working Lunch with Ministers of Allied and Mediterranean Dialogue Countries
On 9 February 2007, NATO Defence Ministers and their counterparts from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia met at the occasion of the informal meeting of NATO Defence Ministers held in Seville, Spain.
Statement by the Secretary General on Kosovo status
Today, the Kosovo status process has entered an important new phase. President Ahtisaari has presented a way forward on this issue which offers the prospect of a better, more secure future for the entire region, including through integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures.
ISAF change of command
KABUL, Afghanistan (4 February) – U.S. Gen. Dan McNeill assumed command of ISAF from British Gen. David Richards, in the presence of President Hamid Karzai, during a change of command ceremony this morning at HQ ISAF.
ACT futures branch readies for radiological detection experiment
NORFOLK, Va. – Countering the threat of illicit trafficking of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) substances is a significant element of Allied Command Transformation’s efforts to transform NATO forces.

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