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Presenter: Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace March 01, 2007

Media Stakeout by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and General Peter Pace Following a Briefing of Senate Members on Iraq. Location: The Capitol, Washington, D.C.

SEC. GATES: About half of the Senate was at the briefing. We offered to do these briefings once a month. We laid out the commitments the Iraqis made and that our government has made and progress against those goals or commitments and benchmarks, if you will. We got a lot of good questions and it was a good session.
Q: The commander was relieved of his duties, but his replacement might have been to blame as well?
SEC. GATES: We've had our independent group reviewing this. I've made it clear all along that these problems ... that action wasn't going to be limited to junior officers and NCOs and enlisted. I think the commanders have to be held accountable. My understanding at least from the Army's press release that the stand in is temporary. So I think we need somebody to deal with this. But I think certainly that everybody in the Army and certainly everybody at the Department of Defense understands accountability and that I don't have very much patience for people that don't step up to the plate in terms of addressing problems that are under their responsibillity. And that I would hold true going forward and in other venues as well.
Q: Does the 45-day commitment hold?
SEC. GATES: Yes. We affirmed the 45-day commitment. They are all on board and ready to go to work.

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