Notice: For the foreseeable future, the daily reports may contain

apparent discrepancies between some proposal descriptions and the listed

instrument usage. This is due to the conversion of previously approved

ACS WFC or HRC observations into WFPC2, or NICMOS observations

subsequent to the loss of ACS CCD science capability in late January.


HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT      # 4320


PERIOD COVERED: UT March 15, 2007 (DOY 074)




ACS/SBC 11050


ACS UV contamination monitor


The observations consist of imaging and spectroscopy with SBC of the

cluster NGC 6681 in order to monitor the temporal evolution of the UV

sensitivity of the SBC.


FGS 10927


The Weight-Watcher Program for Subdwarfs


We propose to use HST/FGS1r to measure five subdwarf spectroscopic

binaries to determine masses for the components. Their metallicities,

[Fe/H], range from -0.5 to -2.5, and their projected minimum separations

range from 9 to 24 mas. These binaries are resolvable with HST/FGS1r but

not any ground-based technique. Currently, there are only two subdwarf

systems having any mass measurements. The proposed work will boost the

total number of subdwarf systems with masses from two to seven, and

allow us to construct the first mass-luminosity relation for

low-metallicity stars.


NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8795


NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 6


A new proceedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of

NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA

contour 23, and everytime a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50

minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in parallel

in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be non- standard

reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark. The

keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each

POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated with the time, in

addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so

each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for

users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw and processed images

will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs. Generally we expect that all NICMOS

science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an

SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science i

mages. Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA

passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors.


NIC2 10802


SHOES-Supernovae, HO, for the Equation of State of Dark energy


The present uncertainty in the value of the Hubble constant {resulting

in an uncertainty in Omega_M} and the paucity of Type Ia supernovae at

redshifts exceeding 1 are now the leading obstacles to determining the

nature of dark energy. We propose a single, integrated set of

observations for Cycle 15 that will provide a 40% improvement in

constraints on dark energy. This program will observe known Cepheids in

six reliable hosts of Type Ia supernovae with NICMOS, reducing the

uncertainty in H_0 by a factor of two because of the smaller dispersion

along the instability strip, the diminished extinction, and the weaker

metallicity dependence in the infrared. In parallel with ACS, at the

same time the NICMOS observations are underway, we will discover and

follow a sample of Type Ia supernovae at z > 1. Together, these

measurements, along with prior constraints from WMAP, will provide a

great improvement in HST's ability to distinguish between a static,

cosmological constant and dynamical dark energy. The Hubble Space

Telescope is the only instrument in the world that can make these IR

measurements of Cepheids beyond the Local Group, and it is the only

telescope in the world that can be used to find and follow supernovae at

z > 1. Our program exploits both of these unique capabilities of HST to

learn more about one of the greatest mysteries in science.


NIC3 11080


Exploring the Scaling Laws of Star Formation


As a variety of surveys of the local and distant Universe are

approaching a full census of galaxy populations, our attention needs to

turn towards understanding and quantifying the physical mechanisms that

trigger and regulate the large-scale star formation rates {SFRs} in



NIC3 11098


Pinning down the redshift of the J-band dropout JD0910+46


The earliest galaxies in the Universe should have formed at very high

redshifts, based both on models of hierarchical structure formation, and

on observations of the microwave background polarization by WMAP that

require significant ionization of the intergalactic medium before z=10.

However, direct observation of sources at z>7 remains highly challenging

due to their scarcity and faintness. We recently identified a spatially

extended J-band dropout, JD0910+46, that is a promising candidate for a

z>10 galaxy. Its spectral energy distribution is more extreme than any

previously reported: It is undetected in our 2- orbit J-band

observation, with a very red J-H color, yet is bluer in H-K than

plausible lower redshift {z~3} model SEDs. These colors are, however,

natural for a very high redshift star-burst galaxy in which the

Lyman-alpha break has moved mostly or entirely through the F110W band.

Here we propose deeper F110W and F187W observations to better map the

spectral energy distribution of JD910+46, these have the potential to

convincingly reject all low redshift solutions for the origin of the

observed colours. We believe the importance of such a discovery adds

urgency to the followup, and motivates this DD request. Even in the

event that JD0910+46 lies at lower redshift understanding the nature of

the object will be of great importance since it may lie in a significant

overdensity of galaxies at z~4, and will be an important tool for

identifying possible interlopers in samples of ultra high-z galaxies.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)


HSTARS: (None)






                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL  

FGS GSacq               06                 06               

FGS REacq               08                 08                 

OBAD with Maneuver 28                 28