For immediate release                                                                                                    27 March 2007










The Special Mediterranean Group (GSM) of the NATO PA will travel to the Gulf from 28 March to 1 April on a fact-finding visit to Bahrain and Kuwait. Some 20 members of parliament from Europe and Canada, led by Assembly President José Lello (Portugal) and GSM Chairman Jean-Michel Boucheron (France), will hold high-level meetings in the two countries and discuss security in the Gulf and the Middle East, relations between Gulf countries and NATO, as well as social and economic development in the region.


In Bahrain, NATO legislators will meet with their counterparts from both chambers on 28-29 March. Meetings will be hosted by Shura Council Chairman Mr. Ali Bin Saleh Al-Saleh and Council of RepresentativesÂ’ Chairman Mr. Khalifa Bin Ahmed Al-Dhahrani. Members of the GSM will be also briefed by senior Bahraini government officials.


In Kuwait, the visit will be hosted by National Assembly Chairman Mr. Jassem Al-Khorafi. On 1 April, NATO parliamentarians will hold meetings with members of the National Assembly as well as with senior members of the newly formed Kuwaiti government.


Roundtables with representatives from local civil society and media, diplomats and international organisations, will be organised on 28 March in Bahrain and on 31 March in Kuwait.





For further information, please contact



NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Place du Petit Sablon 3, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Tél: (32) 2 513 28 65 | Fax: (32) 2 514 18 47 |

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 The NATO Parliamentary Assembly, founded in 1955 with a Brussels-based secretariat,

brings together 248 national parliamentarians from the 26 NATO countries.

In addition, 15 associate delegations from Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia;

4 Mediterranean Associate delegations: Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Israel

and 7 Parliamentary Observer delegations participate in Assembly activities and meetings.

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