High-level NATO consultations on Afghanistan and Kosovo

At a special meeting at NATO HQ, 27 March, NATO countries expressed optimism about the situation in Afghanistan and full support for the proposals for Kosovo’s future made by UN Special Envoy Athisaari.


New Ukrainian Foreign Minister visits NATO

The new Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, visited NATO HQ on 26 March to meet for talks with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.


Nuclear weapons accident response exercise

NATO and Russian experts observed a French nuclear weapon accident response capabilities demonstration exercise, DENUX 07, on 20 and 21 March 2007.


NATO chief welcomes Latvia-Russia border agreement

On 27 March, the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation signed, in Moscow, an important border agreement between their two countries.


NATO and European Union hold consultations

NATO’s North Atlantic Council and the Political and Security Committee of the European Union met to discuss issues of common interest on 26 March.


Vilnius seminar to address WMD proliferation

Senior officials from across the globe will discuss the challenge of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at a high-level NATO seminar in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, 18-19 April 2007.


Ukrainian support for Operation Active Endeavour

Final preparations are underway for the deployment of the first Ukrainian ship to the Mediterranean in support of Operation Active Endeavour, NATO's maritime counter-terrorist operation. The URS Ternopil, a corvette, is expected to be deployed in May.


KFOR Web site revamped

The Web site for the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR), www.nato.int/kfor now has a new look and feel to make for easier navigation and provide a clearer overview of content.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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