Notice: For the foreseeable future, the daily reports may contain

apparent discrepancies between some proposal descriptions and the listed

instrument usage. This is due to the conversion of previously approved

ACS WFC or HRC observations into WFPC2, or NICMOS observations

subsequent to the loss of ACS CCD science capability in late January.


HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT      # 4349


PERIOD COVERED: UT April 25, 2007 (DOY 115)




WFPC2 10798


Dark Halos and Substructure from Arcs & Einstein Rings


The surface brightness distribution of extended gravitationally lensed

arcs and Einstein rings contains super-resolved information about the

lensed object, and, more excitingly, about the smooth and clumpy mass

distribution of the lens galaxies. The source and lens information can

non-parametrically be separated, resulting in a direct "gravitational

image" of the inner mass-distribution of cosmologically-distant galaxies

{Koopmans 2005; Koopmans et al. 2006 [astro-ph/0601628]}. With this goal

in mind, we propose deep HST ACS-F555W/F814W and NICMOS-F160W WFC

imaging of 20 new gravitational-lens systems with spatially resolved

lensed sources, of the 35 new lens systems discovered by the Sloan Lens

ACS Survey {Bolton et al. 2005} so far, 15 of which are being imaged in

Cycle-14. Each system has been selected from the SDSS and confirmed in

two time- efficient HST-ACS snapshot programs {cycle 13&14}.

High-fidelity multi-color HST images are required {not delivered by the

420s snapshots} to isolate these lensed images {properly cleaned,

dithered and extinction-corrected} from the lens galaxy surface

brightness distribution, and apply our "gravitational maging" technique.

Our sample of 35 early-type lens galaxies to date is by far the largest,

still growing, and most uniformly selected. This minimizes selection

biases and small-number statistics, compared to smaller, often

serendipitously discovered, samples. Moreover, using the WFC provides

information on the field around the lens, higher S/N and a better

understood PSF, compared with the HRC, and one retains high spatial

resolution through drizzling. The sample of galaxy mass distributions -

determined through this method from the arcs and Einstein ring HST

images - will be studied to: {i} measure the smooth mass distribution of

the lens galaxies {dark and luminous mass are separated using the HST

images and the stellar M/L values derived from a joint stellar-dynamical

analysis of each system}; {ii} quantify statistically and individually

the incidence of mass-substructure {with or without obvious luminous

counter- parts such as dwarf galaxies}. Since dark-matter substructure

could be more prevalent at higher redshift, both results provide a

direct test of this prediction of the CDM hierarchical

structure-formation model.


WFPC2 10809


The nature of "dry" mergers in the nearby Universe


Recent studies have shown that "dry" mergers of red, bulge-dominated

galaxies at low redshift play an important role in shaping today's most

massive ellipticals. These mergers have been identified in extremely

deep ground-based images of red sequence galaxies at z ~ 0.1. The

ground-based images reach surface brightness limits of AB ~ 29, but lack

the resolution to study the morphologies of the galaxies inside the

effective radius. Here we propose to obtain ACS images of a

representative sample of 40 of these red sequence galaxies: 15 ongoing

dry mergers, 15 remnants, and 10 undisturbed objects. We will measure

the isophote shapes and ellipticities of the galaxies, their dust

content, morphological fine structure {shells and ripples}, AGN content,

and their location on the Fundamental Plane. By comparing galaxies in

different stages of the merging process we can constrain the amount of

gas associated with these red mergers, the effect of active nuclei, and

track structural changes. As two galaxies can be observed in a single

orbit 20 orbits are requested to observe the 40 galaxies.


NIC1 11061


NICMOS Imaging of Grism Spectrophotometric Standards


In this program we will take imaging observations with all 3 cameras

with a range of filters of a significant number of stars that are part

of the spectroscopic standard star project. These stars will form the

fainter reference star backbone for programs as JWST, Sophia, and SNAP.

With this program we will: 1. Accurately calibrate relative brightness

of standard stars, which can be done more accurately with photometry

than with spectroscopy. This has been proven to be vary valuable to

straighten out the problems in the spectroscopic data reduction and

calibrations so far. 2. Increase the number of stars over a large

magnitude range to provide a more accurate cross check of our count rate

dependent non-linearity correction 3. Include stars with radically

different {very red} spectra to investigate whether the filter curves as

measured before flight are still valid by comparing the throughput

estimates from these stars to those used for the standard calibration.

4. Repeat a few standard star observations from cycle 7 and post-NCS

installation SMOV, to increase the accuracy in the change in sensitivity

measurement with just a few observations thanks to the long baseline.


NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8794


NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 5


A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of

NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA

contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50

minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in parallel

in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be non- standard

reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark. The

keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each

POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated with the time, in

addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so

each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for

users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw and processed images

will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs. Generally we expect that all NICMOS

science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an

SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science

images. Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA

passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors.


NIC3 10792


Quasars at Redshift z=6 and Early Star Formation History


We propose to observe four high-redshift quasars {z=6} in the NIR in

order to estimate relative Fe/Mg abundances and the central black hole

mass. The results of this study will critically constrain models of

joint quasar and galaxy formation, early star formation, and the growth

of supermassive black holes. Different time scales and yields for

alpha-elements {like O or Mg} and for iron result into an iron

enrichment delay of ~0.3 to 0.6 Gyr. Hence, despite the well-known

complexity of the FeII emission line spectrum, the ratio iron/alpha -

element is a potentially useful cosmological clock. The central black

hole mass will be estimated based on a recently revised back hole mass -

luminosity relationship. The time delay of the iron enrichment and the

time required to form a supermassive black hole {logM>8 Msol, tau

~0.5Gyr} as evidenced by quasar activity will be used to date the

beginning of the first intense star formation, marking the formation of

the first massive galaxies that host luminous quasars, and to constrain

the epoch when supermassive black holes start to grow by accretion.


S/C 4974




The Transcient Response Test is for the periodic performance monitoring

of the FGS 2R servo A mechanism.


WFPC2 11083


The Structure, Formation and Evolution of Galactic Cores and Nuclei


A surprising result has emerged from the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey

{ACSVCS}, a program to obtain ACS/WFC gz imaging for a large, unbiased

sample of 100 early-type galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. On subarcsecond

scales {i.e., <0.1"-1"}, the HST brightness profiles vary systematically

from the brightest giants {which have nearly constant surface brightness

cores} to the faintest dwarfs {which have compact stellar nuclei}.

Remarkably, the fraction of galaxy mass contributed by the nuclei in the

faint galaxies is identical to that contributed by supermassive black

holes in the bright galaxies {0.2%}. These findings strongly suggest

that a single mechanism is responsible for both types of Central Massive

Object: most likely internally or externally modulated gas inflows that

feed central black holes or lead to the formation of "nuclear star

clusters". Understanding the history of gas accretion, star formation

and chemical enrichment on subarcsecond scales has thus emerged as the

single most pressing question in the study of nearby galactic nuclei,

either active or quiescent. We propose an ambitious HST program {199

orbits} that constitutes the next, obvious step forward:

high-resolution, ultraviolet {WFPC2/F255W} and infrared {NIC1/F160W}

imaging for the complete ACSVCS sample. By capitalizing on HST's unique

ability to provide high-resolution images with a sharp and stable PSF at

UV and IR wavelengths, we will leverage the existing optical HST data to

obtain the most complete picture currently possible for the history of

star formation and chemical enrichment on these small scales. Equally

important, this program will lead to a significant improvement in the

measured structural parameters and density distributions for the stellar

nuclei and the underlying galaxies, and provide a sensitive measure of

"frosting" by young stars in the galaxy cores. By virtue of its superb

image quality and stable PSF, NICMOS is the sole instrument capable of

the IR observations proposed here. In the case of the WFPC2

observations, high-resolution UV imaging {< 0.1"} is a capability unique

to HST, yet one that could be lost at any any time.


WFPC2 11020


Cycle 15 Focus Monitor


The focus of HST is measured primarily with ACS/HRC over full CVZ orbits

to obtain accurate mean focus values via a well sampled breathing curve.

Coma and astigmatism are also determined from the same data in order to

further understand orbital effects on image quality and optical

alignments. To monitor the stability of ACS to WFPC2 relative focii,

we've carried over from previous focus monitor programs parallel

observations taken with the two cameras at suitable orientations of

previously observed targets, and interspersed them with the HRC CVZ





Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



10788 - GSAcq (1,3,1) failed to RGA Hold (Gyro Control)

           At AOS (116/01:09:46) GSAcq (1,3,1) scheduled from 116/00:55:12-01:02:31

           had failed to RGA Hold (Gyro Control) due to QF1STOPF and QSTOP flag on

           FGS 1.

           OBAD #1 data is unavailable until the next scheduled engineering data dump.

           OBAD #2: RSS 13.95

           OBAD MAP: RSS 4135.71




18043-0 - TRT Test#14

18046-0 - MSS/CSS Gyro1 KF Initialization Convergence Testing for SMS 113 Test 15

18046-0 - MSS/CSS Gyro1 KF Initialization Convergence Testing for SMS 113  Test 14

18052-0 - PCS KF OOT Support





                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL 

FGS GSacq               08                  07              

FGS REacq               05                  05                

OBAD with Maneuver 30                  30              





Evaluation of Universal Kalman Filter performance continued. Multiple

text segments were executed. Details follow.


The Kalman Filter (KF) was halted at 115/14:47 (OR 18046-0) during orbit

day and during an M2G guiding interval. The filter was restarted at

115/14:59 during orbit day, during a vehicle maneuver and during a fast

changing B-field. The filter was activated with the MSS, CSS and Gyro1

sensor inputs enabled. All UKF parameters showed nominal operation. The

test was an MSS/CSS/Gyro1 Initialization Test Case with the vehicle in

maneuver and during a fast changing B-field (MC_G1_IVF, Test #15). The

MSS/CSS default KF configuration was restored at 115/16:45.


The Kalman Filter (KF) was halted at 115/23:50 (OR 18046-0) during orbit

day and during an T2G guiding interval. The filter was restarted at

115/23:33 during orbit night with no vehicle maneuver and during a slow

changing B-field. The filter was activated with the MSS, CSS and Gyro1

sensor inputs enabled, however since the vehicle was in orbit night no

CSS inputs were available. All UKF parameters showed nominal operation.

The test was an MSS/Gyro1 Initialization Test Case with the vehicle

inertially fixed and during a slow changing B-field (M_G1_INS, Test

#14). The MSS/CSS default KF configuration was restored at 115/23:51.


The test above completes KF convergence testing for the week of the 113





Flash Report: TRTT

The FGS-2R TRTT was successfully completed this morning at 115/14:40z

using Ops Request 18043. Both iterations of the test completed

nominally. OTA SEs will analyze the resulting data to continue trending