NATO Member and Partner Chiefs of Defence conclude meetings

Chiefs of defence from the 26 NATO member nations today wrapped up two days of intensive discussions at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of military-related issues.


NATO and Pakistan boost cooperation

NATO and Pakistan agreed to hold regular high-level political exchanges during the first visit by a NATO Secretary General to the country, 8 May.


Ukrainian ship to join NATO's counter-terrorism operation

The Ukrainian frigate URS Ternopil will conduct training with NATO beginning on 10 May to prepare for participation in NATO's counter-terrorist operation in the Mediterranean, Active Endeavour.


The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Defence of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1 visit NATO

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Defence of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1), Mr. Antonio Milososki and Mr. Lazar Elenovski, visited NATO Headquarters on Wednesday, 9 May 2007. They met with the Secretary General and addressed the North Atlantic Council.


NATO leaders consider NATO Response Force missions

NATO commanders and decision-makers met together during exercise Allied Reach ’07, May 2-4, to discuss the way ahead for the Response Force, ‘the engine of NATO’s transformation’.


NATO's anti-trafficking coordinator explains priorities

NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, Mr. John Colston, was recently appointed by the NATO Secretary General as the Senior Coordinator for NATO's efforts to combat trafficking in human beings.


NATO to hold informal security talks with Euro-Atlantic Partners in Albania

Around 80 policy planners and diplomats from NATO member and Partner countries will meet in Durres, Albania, on 10 and 11 May, to discuss longer term security challenges and prospects for the Alliance and its partnership relations.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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