Notice: For the foreseeable future, the daily reports may contain

apparent discrepancies between some proposal descriptions and the listed

instrument usage. This is due to the conversion of previously approved

ACS WFC or HRC observations into WFPC2, or NICMOS observations

subsequent to the loss of ACS CCD science capability in late January.


HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT      # 4361


PERIOD COVERED: UT May 11,12,13, 2007 (DOY 131,132,133)




NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8794


NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 5


A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of

NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA

contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50

minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in parallel

in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be non- standard

reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark. The

keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each

POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated with the time, in

addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so

each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for

users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw and processed images

will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs. Generally we expect that all NICMOS

science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an

SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science

images. Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA

passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors.


NIC3 11072


Measuring the Physical Properties of the first two WASP transiting

extrasolar planets


We have recently discovered the first two transiting extrasolar planets

from the Wide Angle Search for Planets {WASP} project and confirmed both

as planets using SOPHIE radial velocity measurements. Both WASP-1b and

WASP-2b orbit about stars brighter than V=12, and are thus ideal targets

for HST followup. WASP-1b is probably inflated in a manner similar to

HD209458b but is in a closer orbit about the parent, which itself is the

earliest-type parent star yet announced for a transiting extrasolar

planet. At 0.03 AU from the parent star, WASP-2b is close to the minimum

separation at which planets of this mass range are thought to survive.

We request DD observations of WASP-1b and WASP- 2b, to constrain the

masses and radii of both objects to a precision of a few tenths of a

percent. Both parent stars have very similar brightnesses to the TrES-1

parent star, thus we will achieve equivalent photometric precision to

previous successful observations of TrES-1b. As all further physical

investigations {such as interior heating} depend on precise mass- and

radius-determinations, this investigation is the essential next step in

uncovering the physical characteristics of these planets and their

parent stars. We have requested 12 orbits, though 9 orbits would provide

the minimum acceptable coverage for our program. The consortium will

formally announce the discoveries of WASP-1b and WASP-2b on Tuesday 26th

September 2006. We ask that all material in this proposal be kept

confidential until that date. We can supply the discovery paper on

request after this date.


NIC1 11063


NICMOS Focus Monitoring


This program is a version of the standard focus sweep used since cycle

7. It has been modified to go deeper and uses more narrow filters for

improved focus determination. For Cycle14 a new source has been added in

order to accomodate 2-gyro mode: the open cluster NGC1850. The old

target, the open cluster NGC3603, will be used whenever available and

the new target used to fill the periods when NGC3603 is not visible.

Steps: a} Use refined target field positions as determined from cycle 7

calibrations b} Use MULTIACCUM sequences of sufficient dynamic range to

account for defocus c} Do a 17- point focus sweep, +/- 8mm about the PAM

mechanical zeropoint for each cameras 1 and 2, in 1.0mm steps. d} Use

PAM X/Y tilt and OTA offset slew compensations refined from previous

focus monitoring/optical alignment activities


FGS 11019


Monitoring FGS1r's Interferometric Response as a Function of Spectral



This proosal uses FGS1r in Transfer mode to observe standard single

stars of a variety of spectral types to obtain point source

interferograms for the Transfer mode calibration library. In specific

cases, the calibration star will also be observed in POS mode multiple

times with the F583W and F5ND elements to provide the data to verify the

stabiligy of the cross filter calibration.


ACS/SBC 10907


New Sightlines for the Study of Intergalactic Helium: A Dozen

High-Confidence, UV-Bright Quasars from SDSS/GALEX


The reionization of intergalactic helium is thought to have occurred

between redshifts of about 3 and 4. Detailed study of HeII Lyman-alpha

absorption toward a handful quasars at 2.7<z<3.3 demonstrates the great

potential of such probes of the IGM, but the current critically-small

sample limits confidence in resulting cosmological inferences. The

requisite unobscured quasar sightlines to high-redshift are extremely

rare, especially due to severe absorption in random intervening

Lyman-limit systems, but SDSS provides thousands of z>3.1 quasars

potentially suitable for HeII studies. We have cross-correlated SDSS

quasars with GALEX UV sources to obtain a dozen new, very

high-confidence, candidate quasars/sightlines {z=3.1 to 4.1} potentially

useful for detailed HeII studies even with current HST instruments. We

propose brief, 2-orbit per target, reconnaissance spectral exposures

with the ACS SBC prism to definitively verify UV flux down to the HeII

break. Our combined SDSS/GALEX selection insures a very high-yield of

confirmations, as the quasars are already known to be UV-bright from

broadband GALEX images. The additional sightlines, extending to very

high-redshift, will directly enable ensemble spectral stacks, as well as

long exposure follow-up spectra, at high S/N with the ACS/SBC

ultraviolet prisms {or perhaps STIS or COS later}, to confidently

measure the spectrum and evolution of the ionizing background radiation,

the evolution of HeII opacity, and the density of intergalactic baryons.


NIC1 10889


The Nature of the Halos and Thick Disks of Spiral Galaxies


We propose to resolve the extra-planar stellar populations of the thick

disks and halos of seven nearby, massive, edge-on galaxies using ACS,

NICMOS, and WFPC2 in parallel. These observations will provide accurate

star counts and color-magnitude diagrams 1.5 magnitudes below the tip of

the Red Giant Branch sampled along the two principal axes and one

intermediate axis of each galaxy. We will measure the metallicity

distribution functions and stellar density profiles from star counts

down to very low average surface brightnesses, equivalent to ~32 V-mag

per square arcsec. These observations will provide the definitive HST

study of extra-planar stellar populations of spiral galaxies. Our

targets cover a range in galaxy mass, luminosity, and morphology and as

function of these galaxy properties we will provide: - The first

systematic study of the radial and isophotal shapes of the diffuse

stellar halos of spiral galaxies - The most detailed comparative study

to date of thick disk morphologies and stellar populations - A

comprehensive analysis of halo and thick disk metallicity distributions

as a function of galaxy type and position within the galaxy. - A

sensitive search for tidal streams - The first opportunity to directly

relate globular cluster systems to their field stellar population We

will use these fossil records of the galaxy assembly process preserved

in the old stellar populations to test halo and thick disk formation

models within the hierarchical galaxy formation scheme. We will test

LambdaCDM predictions on sub-galactic scales, where it is difficult to

test using CMB and galaxy redshift surveys, and where it faces its most

serious difficulties.


WFPC2  10880


The host galaxies of QSO2s: AGN feeding and evolution at high



Now that the presence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of

galaxies is a well established fact, other questions related to the AGN

phenomena still have to be answered. Problems of particular interest are

how the AGN gets fed, how the black hole evolves and how the evolution

of the black hole is related to the evolution of the galaxy bulge. Here

we propose to address some of these issues using ACS/WFC + F775W

snapshot images of 73 QSO2s with redshifts in the range 0.3<z<0.4. These

observations will be combined with similar archival data of QSO1s and

ground based data of Seyfert and normal galaxies. First, we will

intestigate whether interactions are the most important feeding

mechanism in high luminosity AGNs. This will be done in a quantitative

way, comparing the asymmetry indices of QSO2 hosts with those of lower

luminosity AGNs and normal galaxies. Second, we will do a detailed study

of the morphology of the host galaxies of both QSO types, to determine

if they are similar, or if there is an evolutionary trend from QSO2s to

QSO1s. The results from this project will represent an important step in

the understanding of AGN evolution, and may also introduce a substantial

modification to the Unified Model.


WFPC2  10877


A Snapshot Survey of the Sites of Recent, Nearby Supernovae


During the past few years, robotic {or nearly robotic} searches for

supernovae {SNe}, most notably our Lick Observatory Supernova Search

{LOSS}, have found hundreds of SNe, many of them in quite nearby

galaxies {cz < 4000 km/s}. Most of the objects were discovered before

maximum brightness, and have follow-up photometry and spectroscopy; they

include some of the best-studied SNe to date. We propose to conduct a

snapshot imaging survey of the sites of some of these nearby objects, to

obtain late-time photometry that {through the shape of the light and

color curves} will help reveal the origin of their lingering energy. The

images will also provide high-resolution information on the local

environments of SNe that are far superior to what we can procure from

the ground. For example, we will obtain color-color and color-magnitude

diagrams of stars in these SN sites, to determine the SN progenitor

masses and constraints on the reddening. Recovery of the SNe in the new

HST images will also allow us to actually pinpoint their progenitor

stars in cases where pre- explosion images exist in the HST archive.

This proposal is an extension of our successful Cycle 13 snapshot survey

with ACS. It is complementary to our Cycle 15 archival proposal, which

is a continuation of our long-standing program to use existing HST

images to glean information about SN environments.


WFPC2  10867


SAINTS - Supernova 1987A INTensive Survey


SAINTS is a program to observe SN 1987A, the brightest supernova in 383

years, as it morphs into the youngest supernova remnant at age 19. HST

is a unique tool for spatially- resolved observations of the many

physical components of SN 1987A. A violent encounter is now underway

between the fastest-moving debris and the circumstellar ring: the

collision excites "hotspots" that light up suddenly. The optical,

infrared and X-ray fluxes are rising rapidly and vary significantly on

6-month time scales: regularly-spaced HST, SPITZER, and CHANDRA

observations are needed to understand the physics of these shocked

regions. In Cycle 15, the many separate hotspots may begin to fuse as

the shock fully enters the circumstellar ring. Photons from these shocks

may excite previously invisible gas outside the ring, revealing the true

extent of the mass loss that preceded the explosion of Sanduleak -69

202. The inner debris of the explosion itself, still excited by

radioactive isotopes produced in the explosion, is now resolved by ACS

and seen to be aspherical, providing direct evidence on the asymmetry of

the explosion. Many questions about SN 1987A remain unanswered despite

our diligent efforts at observation and analysis since the launch of

HST. How did the enigmatic three rings form? Precisely what took place

in the core during the core collapse and bounce? Is a black hole or a

neutron star left behind in the debris? The rich and deep data set from

SAINTS will be a resource for current use and for future reference to

help answer these central questions of supernova science.


ACS/SBC 10862


Comprehensive Auroral Imaging of Jupiter and Saturn during the

International Heliophysical Year


A comprehensive set of observations of the auroral emissions from

Jupiter and Saturn is proposed for the International Heliophysical Year

in 2007, a unique period of especially concentrated measurements of

space physics phenomena throughout the solar system. We propose to

determine the physical relationship of the various auroral processes at

Jupiter and Saturn with conditions in the solar wind at each planet.

This can be accomplished with campaigns of observations, with a sampling

interval not to exceed one day, covering at least one solar rotation.

The solar wind plasma density approaching Jupiter will be measured by

the New Horizons spacecraft, and a separate campaign near opposition in

May 2007 will determine the effect of large-scale variations in the

interplanetary magnetic field {IMF} on the Jovian aurora by

extrapolation from near-Earth solar wind measurements. A similar Saturn

campaign near opposition in Jan. 2007 will combine extrapolated solar

wind data with measurements from a wide range of locations within the

Saturn magnetosphere by Cassini. In the course of making these

observations, it will be possible to fully map the auroral footprints of

Io and the other satellites to determine both the local magnetic field

geometry and the controlling factors in the electromagnetic interaction

of each satellite with the corotating magnetic field and plasma density.

Also in the course of making these observations, the auroral emission

properties will be compared with the properties of the near-IR

ionospheric emissions {from ground-based observations} and non thermal

radio emissions, from ground-based observations for Jupiter?s decametric

radiation and Cassini plasma wave measurements of the Saturn Kilometric

Radiation {SKR}.


WFPC2  10832


Solving the microlensing puzzle: An HST high-resolution imaging approach


We propose to use the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys High Resolution

Channel to obtain high resolution imaging data for 10 bona-fide LMC

microlensing events seen in the original MACHO survey. The purpose of

this survey will be to assess whether or not the lens and source stars

have separated enough to be resolved since the original microlensing

event took place - about a decade has passed since the original MACHO

survey and the HST WFPC2 follow-up observations of the microlensing

events. If the components of the lensing event are resolved, we will

determine the apparent magnitude and color of both the lens and the

source stars. These data, in combination with Spitzer/IRAC data and

Magellan near-IR JHK data, will be used to ascertain the basic

properties of the lens stars. With the majority of the microlensing

events in the original MACHO survey observed at the highest spatial

resolution currently possible, we will be able to draw important

conclusions as to what fraction of these events have lenses which belong

to some population of dwarf stars in the disk and what fraction must be

due to lenses in the halo or beyond. These data will greatly increase

our understanding of the structure of the Galaxy by characterizing the

stellar population responsible for the gravitational microlensing.


WFPC2  10800


Kuiper Belt Binaries: Probes of Early Solar System Evolution


Binaries in the Kuiper Belt are a scientific windfall: in them we have

relatively fragile test particles which can be used as tracers of the

early dynamical evolution of the outer Solar System. We propose to

continue a Snapshot program using the ACS/HRC that has a demonstrated

discovery potential an order of magnitude higher than the HST

observations that have already discovered the majority of known

transneptunian binaries. With this continuation we seek to reach the

original goals of this project: to accumulate a sufficiently large

sample in each of the distinct populations collected in the Kuiper Belt

to be able to measure, with statistical significance, how the fraction

of binaries varies as a function of their particular dynamical paths

into the Kuiper Belt. Today's Kuiper Belt bears the imprints of the

final stages of giant-planet building and migration; binaries may offer

some of the best preserved evidence of that long-ago era.


WFPC2 10786


Rotational state and composition of Pluto's outer satellites


We propose an intricate set of observations aimed at discovering the

rotational state of the newly discovered satellites of Pluto, S/2005 P1

and S/2005 P2. These observations will indicate if the satellites are in

synchronous rotation or not. If they are not, then the observations will

determine the rotational period or provide tight constraints on the

amplitude. The other primary goal is to extend the wavelength coverage

of the colors of the surface and allow us to constrain the surface

compositions of both objects. From these data we will also be able to

significantly improve the orbits of P1 and P2, improve the measurement

of the bulk density of Charon, and search for albedo changes on the

surface of Pluto.


WFPC2  10782


Quit winking: Jupiter opens its other eye


This week {March 6} a new red spot on Jupiter was announced, dubbed "Red

Spot Jr.'' by the press. It appears to be White Oval BA, the remanant of

the three White Ovals that merged during 1998-2000. The new spot is deep

red like the Great Red Spot {GRS} rather than bright white as were the

ovals. We believe that the color change of the oval from white to red is

indicative of a temperature change, as predicted by one of us in a

Nature paper in 2004. The goal of our proposed observations is to test

our theory of jovian climate change through observations of dynamical

features of Red Spot Jr. and its surroundings, which provide indirect

measurements of changes in the temperature and stratification of the

jovian weather layer.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



10809 - GSACQ(2,1,2) failed

           GSACQ(2,1,2) at 133/12:18:16 failed to RGA control at 12:22:47 with

           QF2STOPF and QSTOP flags set. REACQ(2,1,2) at 13:53:16 also failed at




18076-0 - MSS/Gyro2 Initialization Test #35




                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL 

FGS GSacq               24                  23       

FGS REacq               14                  13       

OBAD with Maneuver 76                  76              




Evaluation of Universal Kalman Filter performance continued. Details



Background Kalman Filter Operation Flash Report for day 131


The KF was halted at 131/16:20 (OR 18076-0). The filter was restarted at

131/16:24 during orbit day and during an M2G guiding interval. The

filter was activated with MSS and Gyro2 sensor inputs enabled. The

filter was activated during orbit day, during a vehicle slew, during an

M2G guiding interval and during slow changing B-field. All UKF

parameters showed nominal operation. The test was an MSS/Gyro2

Initialization test case during a slow changing B-field and during a

vehicle slew (M_G2_IVS, Test #35).


The filter was reconfigured for MSS only input and restarted at 18:15 to

provide a long baseline of MSS only performance.