NATO and Partners tackle civil emergency exercise in Croatia

Beginning on 19 May, Croatia will host a challenging civil emergency exercise; the fictional scenario will comprise facing a devastating earthquake, further aggravated by chemical leaks in an industrial seaport and a terrorist threat…


Statement on Armenian elections

The NATO Secretary General “noted with satisfaction that this weekend’s parliamentary elections were considered by international monitors to be largely in accordance with Armenia’s OSCE and Council of Europe commitments”…


Last Balkan mine stockpiles destroyed under NATO-supported project

A milestone in the Balkans was reached with the completion of a NATO/ Partnership for Peace (PfP) Trust Fund project to destroy the complete stockpiles of anti-personnel landmines of both Serbia and Montenegro.


Live from Kabul – new NATO podcast series

In a new audio series, NATO’s civilian spokesman in Afghanistan, Nicolas Lunt, gives a feel for life in Kabul and beyond in an audio diary, recorded live from Kabul.


NATO experts assist Kuwait in radiological protection planning

At the request of the Kuwaiti authorities, a team of NATO experts visited Kuwait on 6 and 7 May to assist in the review of the country's national radiation protection programme.


NATO sponsors young leaders workshop in Afghanistan

Forty-five students from different regions of Afghanistan participated in a two-day workshop in Kabul on 7 and 8 May. The event, which was organised by the international student organisation AIESEC, was the first of its kind to be sponsored by NATO's Public Diplomacy Division in the country.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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