Issue ¹ 2/2007

Statement by the Secretary General on Duma Ratification of PfP Status of Forces Agreement

As Chairman of the NATO-Russia Council, I welcome todayÂ’s decision by the Russian State Duma to ratify the Partnership for Peace Status of Forces Agreement. more>>

Russian military choir gives performance at NATO

Following a concert at the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels the previous evening, part of the Russian Army's A.V. Alexandrov Academic Ensemble for Song and Dance gave a performance at NATO Headquarters on 22 May. more>>

NATO-Russia Chiefs of Defence meet

The Russian Chief of Defence, Army General Yury Baluyevskiy, met his Allied counterparts for a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) at NATO Headquarters on 10 May. They reviewed progress in military cooperation between NATO and Russia, and had an open and informed exchange of views on US missile defence plans and on the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty. more>>


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