NATO agrees on missile defence way forward

NATO’s 26 countries agreed to assess by February 2008 the political and military implications for the Alliance of the US missile defence system.



NATO to strengthen protection against cyber attacks

Concerns over recent cyber attacks against NATO member Estonia led to calls from NATO Defense Ministers on 14 June to boost efforts to protect information systems of critical importance to NATO against future attacks.


CFE Extraordinary Conference concludes


15 June - Today the Extraordinary Conference of States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) requested by the Russian Federation concluded. This conference took place in Vienna from 11 - 15 June 2007.


New Russian Minister looks to cooperation with NATO

A meeting of the NATO-Russia Council in Brussels, 14 June, provided an opportunity for NATO Ministers to hold their first formal discussions with the new Russian Defence Minister, Anatoly Serdyukov.


NATO welcomes Ukraine progress

Following a meeting of NATO-Ukraine Defence Ministers, 14 June, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the Alliance welcomed agreement in Ukraine on the date of the upcoming elections.


NATO reaffirms commitment to Afghanistan

Defence Ministers from 26 NATO countries and the 11 non-NATO countries supporting NATO’s mission in Afghanistan reaffirmed their determination to stay the course in Afghanistan at a meeting in Brussels, 15 June.


Alliance calls for ‘speedy’ Kosovo resolution

Meeting in Brussels, 15 June, NATO Defence Ministers reiterated their call for a United Nations Security Council Resolution on Kosovo as soon as possible, along the proposals put forward by UN Special Envoy Ahtisaari.


NATO to support Iraqi with gendarmerie training

At the request of the Iraqi authorities, NATO will extend its training assistance to Iraq to include gendarmerie-type training of the national police, beginning in September.


NATO Secretary General visits Turkey

The recent terrorist attacks in Turkey, the need to move forward on the status of Kosovo and NATO-EU relations were the main focus of the NATO Secretary General’s visit to Ankara, 12 June.



NATO agrees to support AU Somalia mission

On 7 June, NATO agreed, in principle, to respond positively to the request of the African Union Commission, dated 22 May 2007, to provide strategic airlift for AU states who are willing to deploy in Somalia under the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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