PR/CP (2007)073
20 June/juin 2007


25-26 June 2007



NATO and the Russian Federation are marking the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Founding Act and the fifth anniversary of the creation of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC). As part of the commemoration events the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), chaired by the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, will travel to Russia. There, the Council will take part in an NRC seminar in St. Petersburg and a special NRC Ambassadorial meeting in Moscow.


During the visit the Secretary General is also expected to hold additional talks with Russian political leaders.





St. Petersburg, 25 June


  1. Information


The NRC Seminar onModern Risks and Security Threats: the Role of the NRC” will take place in the Baltic Star Hotel in Strelna. NRC Ambassadors and NATO IS officials, as well as political figures and political scientists from Russia and NATO countries, will participate in the event. The Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Sergey Mironov and the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer will open the seminar. A joint press opportunity of Sergey Mironov and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer will take place after the opening ceremony.


  1. Accreditation and Security checks


Representatives of the Russian media and foreign journalists, accredited by the Russian MFA, wishing to cover the opening ceremony of the seminar and the press opportunity in the Baltic Star Hotel should address the Press Centre of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Journalists should provide name, family name, media organization, passport details: number, place and date of issue, place and date of birth.


Contact Point:               Press Centre of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  

Telephone:                    +7 495 637 25 36

Fax:                              +7 495 637 39 04


Applications for accreditation are to be provided by 15:00 on 22 June 2007.

Name passes can be collected at the registration point in the Baltic Star Hotel on 25th June.



  1.  Tentative programme for media:

08:30-09:00       Registration of the accredited journalists

Baltic Star Hotel


09:30                Opening ceremony of the NRC seminar on “Modern Risks and security Threats: the Role for the NRC”

Baltic Star Hotel


10:05                Joint press opportunity of the Chairman of the Federation Council, Mr.  Sergey Mironov and the NATO Secretary General, Mr.  Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

Baltic Star Hotel



Moscow, 26 June


  1. Information

The NATO-Russia Council Ambassadorial meeting will take place in the Round Conference Hall of the President Hotel. The meeting will be opened by the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and the Russian Foreign Minister, Mr. Sergey Lavrov.


  1. Accreditation and Security Checks

Representatives of the Russian media and foreign journalists, accredited by the Russian MFA, wishing to cover the opening session of the NRC Ambassadorial should address the Press Centre of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Journalists should provide name, family name, media organization, passport details: number, place and date of issue, place and date of birth.


Contact Point:               Press Centre of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  

Telephone:                    +7 495 637 25 36

Fax:                              +7 495 637 39 04


Applications for accreditation are to be provided by 15:00 on 25 June 2007.


Name passes can be collected at the registration point in the President Hotel on 26th June.


To apply for accreditation to the press conference of the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at Interfax, journalists should address Interfax at +7 495 250 88 32 and +7 495 250 20 25


  1. Tentative Programme for media:


08:30-09:00       Registration of accredited journalists
President Hotel


09:00                Opening session of the NRC Ambassadorial, with introductory remarks by the Russian Foreign Minister, Mr.  Sergey Lavrov and the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

President Hotel


15:30                Press conference of the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer







The Secretary General’s schedule  is subject to change, for further information please contact

NATO Press and Media Service, Mr. Robert Pszczel, Telephone: +32 2 707 14 30


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