Russian ship prepares to support NATO’s Operation Active Endeavour

During August, the Russian frigate RFS Ladniy is undergoing final training and preparations prior to its deployment in support of Operation Active Endeavour.


NATO successfully tests Kosovo reserve forces

In mid-July, Italian forces completed an exercise in Kosovo, aimed at demonstrating NATO’s ability to reinforce NATO forces on the ground at very short notice.


NATO naval force sets sail for Africa

A NATO maritime mission involving ships from six member countries set sail for a historic 12 500 nautical mile circumnavigation of the African continent on July 30.


Testing new technologies for identifying friendly forces

New technologies for identifying and tracking friendly forces during multinational expeditionary operations will be tested in exercises Bold Quest in early September 2007.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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