Significant weapons cache destroyed in Afghanistan

With information provided by Afghan sources, a NATO-led ISAF patrol found a hidden underground weapons cache with hundreds of artillery rounds, several rockets and many different ammunitions.


NATO research centre assists 2007 Aegean & Black Sea expedition

Ukraine president Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna recently visited NATO’s 93-metre global-range research vessel, the NRV Alliance, which is part of an archaeological survey and shipwreck excavation off the coast of Ukraine.


NATO tests multinational air operations in Norway exercise

Some 100 aircraft and 1 450 personnel from 13 air forces will participate in a live-flying NATO exercise in Norway, from 3 to 14 September, to practice joint multinational air operations.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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