NATO naval force enters Indian Ocean

Following joint operations with the South African navy and prior to exercises off the coast of Somalia, a NATO naval force arrived in the Seychelles for a port visit.


NATO-led forces complete major health facilities in southern Afghanistan

The Australian Reconstruction Task Force, part of the NATO-led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Uruzgan, has completed this week two of its major construction projects - a hospital and a health clinic.


Ukraine hosts NATO exercise

A ten-day NATO command post exercise involving 45 participants from Allied and Partner countries has been taking place in Sevastopol, Ukraine. The aim was to practise tactical planning for a crisis-response operation.


NATO tests technologies for eliminating friendly fire

Australia and Sweden joined seven NATO countries in testing technologies for eliminating friendly fire incidents in multinational operations during exercise Bold Quest, 7-14 September.


NATO-Russia Military Representatives meet in Naples

A special meeting of the NATO-Russia Council Military Representatives was held in Naples, Italy, on 18 September. The event, hosted by the Italian Chief of Defence, was organised to mark the 5th anniversary of the NATO-Russia Council and the 10th anniversary of the NATO-Russia Founding Act.


NATO launches user-friendly E-Bookshop

NATO's Public Diplomacy Division has released its E-Bookshop, a free service designed to ease access to NATO publications and multimedia products and to facilitate downloading of its electronic publications for users around the world.


NATO emergency planning board holds meeting in Georgia

At the invitation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia, a NATO civil emergency working group conducted a meeting with Partnership for Peace countries from17 to 19 September in Tbilisi in Georgia.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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