Notice: Due to the conversion of some ACS WFC or HRC observations into

WFPC2, or NICMOS observations after the loss of ACS CCD science

capability in January, there may be an occasional discrepancy between a

proposal's listed (and correct) instrument usage and the abstract that

follows it.


HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       # 4453


PERIOD COVERED: UT September 21,22,23, 2007 (DOY 264,265,266)




NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8794


NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 5


A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of

NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA

contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50

minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in parallel

in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be non- standard

reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark. The

keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each

POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated with the time, in

addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so

each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for

users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw and processed images

will be archived as POST-SAA DARKs. Generally we expect that all NICMOS

science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an

SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science

images. Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA

passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors.


NIC3 11335


NICMOS Defocus parameter test


This proposal tests the new NICMOS non-nominal focus positions, which

are implemented in the front-end systems and are specified in the Phase

II using the CAMERA-FOCUS=DEFOCUS Optional Parameter. The targets from

Proposals 9832 and 11063 are used in this Proposal. The GO Proposal 9832

is an example of how GOs may use the new non-nominal focus

implementation for detector 3. Proposal 11063 is the NICMOS focus

monitor, which will be used to verify the non-nominal focus for all 3



WFPC2 11224


Unraveling Mira AB Accretion Mysteries


Wind accretion is one of the most common yet poorly understood phenomena

in astrophysics. A key step toward advancing our understanding of

physical processes and accretion geometries in wind accreting systems is

direct imaging of the individual components and mass flows. The nearby

symbiotic binary Mira AB, composed of an AGB donor star and an accreting

compact companion, is a unique target since it can be easily spatially

resolved with the HST, and thus serves as a perfect test laboratory for

accretion studies in wind interacting systems. We propose to carry out

WFPC2 observations of Mira AB following the HST and Chandra detections

of an unprecedented outburst from the cool giant, and the discovery of

an accretion stream showing for the first time evidence for a direct

mass transfer between the components in a wind accreting system.

High-angular- resolution multiwavelength imaging at UV /optical

wavelengths will allow us to determine the properties of the ejected

material as it flows throughout the binary and interacts with the Mira A

circumstellar material and wind; the physical characteristics of mass

transfer in this system and especially the role of the accretion stream

between Mira A and Mira B; and the response of the system to the

increased accretion rate onto Mira B following the outburst. These

results will provide crucial inputs and quantitative constraints to

models of wind interacting systems and will also anchor our

understanding of accretion processes in a wide range of interacting

binaries that cannot be currently resolved, including in other

symbiotics and more exotic systems such as accreting black holes and

neutron stars in high-mass X-ray binaries.


WFPC2 11178


Probing Solar System History with Orbits, Masses, and Colors of

Transneptunian Binaries


The recent discovery of numerous transneptunian binaries {TNBs} opens a

window into dynamical conditions in the protoplanetary disk where they

formed as well as the history of subsequent events which sculpted the

outer Solar System and emplaced them onto their present day heliocentric

orbits. To date, at least 47 TNBs have been discovered, but only about a

dozen have had their mutual orbits and separate colors determined,

frustrating their use to investigate numerous important scientific

questions. The current shortage of data especially cripples scientific

investigations requiring statistical comparisons among the ensemble

characteristics. We propose to obtain sufficient astrometry and

photometry of 23 TNBs to compute their mutual orbits and system masses

and to determine separate primary and secondary colors, roughly tripling

the sample for which this information is known, as well as extending it

to include systems of two near-equal size bodies. To make the most

efficient possible use of HST, we will use a Monte Carlo technique to

optimally schedule our observations.


WFPC2 11134


WFPC2 Tidal Tail Survey: Probing Star Cluster Formation on the Edge


The spectacular HST images of the interiors of merging galaxies such as

the Antennae and NGC 7252 have revealed rich and diverse populations of

star clusters created over the course of the interaction. Intriguingly,

our WFPC2 study of tidal tails in these and other interacting pairs has

shown that star cluster birth in the tails does not follow a similarly

straightforward evolution. In fact, cluster formation in these

relatively sparse environments is not guaranteed -- only one of six

tails in our initial study showed evidence for a significant population

of young star clusters. The tail environment thus offers the opportunity

to probe star cluster formation on the edge of the physical parameter

space {e.g., of stellar and gas mass, density, and pressure} that

permits it to occur. We propose to signficantly extend our pilot sample

of optically bright, gas-rich tidal tails by a factor of 4 in number to

include a more diverse population of tails, encompassing major and minor

mergers, gas-rich and gas-poor tails, as well as early, late, and merged

interaction stages. With 21 orbits of HST WFPC2 imaging in the F606W and

F814W filters, we can identify, roughly age-date, and measure sizes of

star clusters to determine what physical parameters affect star cluster

formation. WFPC2 imaging has been used effectively in our initial study

of four mergers, and it will be possible in this program to reach

similar limits of Mv=-8.5 for each of 16 more tails. With the much

larger sample we expect to isolate which factors, such as merger stage,

HI content, and merger mass ratio, drive the formation of star clusters.


WFPC2 11122


Expanding PNe: Distances and Hydro Models


We propose to obtain repeat narrowband images of a sample of eighteen

planetary nebulae {PNe} which have HST/WFPC2 archival data spanning time

baselines of a decade. All of these targets have previous high

signal-to-noise WFPC2/PC observations and are sufficiently nearby to

have readily detectable expansion signatures after a few years. Our main

scientific objectives are {a} to determine precise distances to these

PNe based on their angular expansions, {b} to test detailed and highly

successful hydrodynamic models that predict nebular morphologies and

expansions for subsamples of round/elliptical and axisymmetric PNe, and

{c} to monitor the proper motions of nebular microstructures in an

effort to learn more about their physical nature and formation

mechanisms. The proposed observations will result in high-precision

distances to a healthy subsample of PNe, and from this their expansion

ages, luminosities, CSPN properties, and masses of their ionized cores.

With good distances and our hydro models, we will be able to determine

fundamental parameters {such as nebular and central star masses,

luminosity, age}. The same images allow us to monitor the changing

overall ionization state and to search for the surprisingly

non-homologous growth patterns to bright elliptical PNe of the same sort

seen by Balick & Hajian {2004} in NGC 6543. Non-uniform growth is a sure

sign of active pressure imbalances within the nebula that require

careful hydro models to understand.


NIC3 11107


Imaging of Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs: New Clues to Galaxy

Formation in the Early Universe


We have used the ultraviolet all-sky imaging survey currently being

conducted by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer {GALEX} to identify for the

first time a rare population of low- redshift starbursts with properties

remarkably similar to high-redshift Lyman Break Galaxies {LBGs}. These

"compact UV luminous galaxies" {UVLGs} resemble LBGs in terms of size,

SFR, surface brightness, mass, metallicity, kinematics, dust, and color.

The UVLG sample offers the unique opportunity of investigating some very

important properties of LBGs that have remained virtually inaccessible

at high redshift: their morphology and the mechanism that drives their

star formation. Therefore, in Cycle 15 we have imaged 7 UVLGs using ACS

in order to 1} characterize their morphology and look for signs of

interactions and mergers, and 2} probe their star formation histories

over a variety of timescales. The images show a striking trend of

small-scale mergers turning large amounts of gas into vigorous

starbursts {a process referred to as dissipational or "wet" merging}.

Here, we propose to complete our sample of 31 LBG analogs using the

ACS/SBC F150LP {FUV} and WFPC2 F606W {R} filters in order to create a

statistical sample to study the mechanism that triggers star formation

in UVLGs and its implications for the nature of LBGs. Specifically, we

will 1} study the trend between galaxy merging and SFR in UVLGs, 2}

artificially redshift the FUV images to z=1-4 and compare morphologies

with those in similarly sized samples of LBGs at the same rest-frame

wavelenghts in e.g. GOODS, UDF, and COSMOS, 3} determine the presence

and morphology of significant stellar mass in "pre-burst" stars, and 4}

study their immediate environment. Together with our Spitzer

{IRAC+MIPS}, GALEX, SDSS and radio data, the HST observations will form

a unique union of data that may for the first time shed light on how the

earliest major episodes of star formation in high redshift galaxies came

about. This proposal was adapted from an ACS HRC+WFC proposal to meet

the new Cycle 16 observing constraints, and can be carried out using the

ACS/SBC and WFPC2 without compromising our original science goals.


NIC3 11082


NICMOS Imaging of GOODS: Probing the Evolution of the Earliest Massive

Galaxies, Galaxies Beyond Reionization, and the High Redshift Obscured



(uses ACS/SBC and WFPC2)


Deep near-infrared imaging provides the only avenue towards

understanding a host of astrophysical problems, including: finding

galaxies and AGN at z > 7, the evolution of the most massive galaxies,

the triggering of star formation in dusty galaxies, and revealing

properties of obscured AGN. As such, we propose to observe 60 selected

areas of the GOODS North and South fields with NICMOS Camera 3 in the

F160W band pointed at known massive M > 10^11 M_0 galaxies at z > 2

discovered through deep Spitzer imaging. The depth we will reach {26.5

AB at 5 sigma} in H_160 allows us to study the internal properties of

these galaxies, including their sizes and morphologies, and to

understand how scaling relations such as the Kormendy relationship

evolved. Although NIC3 is out of focus and undersampled, it is currently

our best opportunity to study these galaxies, while also sampling enough

area to perform a general NIR survey 1/3 the size of an ACS GOODS field.

These data will be a significant resource, invaluable for many other

science goals, including discovering high redshift galaxies at z > 7,

the evolution of galaxies onto the Hubble sequence, as well as examining

obscured AGN and dusty star formation at z > 1.5. The GOODS fields are

the natural location for HST to perform a deep NICMOS imaging program,

as extensive data from space and ground based observatories such as

Chandra, GALEX, Spitzer, NOAO, Keck, Subaru, VLT, JCMT, and the VLA are

currently available for these regions. Deep high-resolution

near-infrared observations are the one missing ingredient to this

survey, filling in an important gap to create the deepest, largest, and

most uniform data set for studying the faint and distant universe. The

importance of these images will increase with time as new facilities

come on line, most notably WFC3 and ALMA, and for the planning of future

JWST observations.


WFPC2 11079


Treasury Imaging of Star Forming Regions in the Local Group:

Complementing the GALEX and NOAO Surveys


We propose to use WFPC2 to image the most interesting star-forming

regions in the Local Group galaxies, to resolve their young stellar

populations. We will use a set of filters including F170W, which is

critical to detect and characterize the most massive stars, to whose hot

temperatures colors at longer wavelengths are not sensitive. WFPC2's

field of view ideally matches the typical size of the star-forming

regions, and its spatial resolution allows us to measure individual

stars, given the proximity of these galaxies. The resulting H-R diagrams

will enable studies of star-formation properties in these regions, which

cover largely differing metallicities {a factor of 17, compared to the

factor of 4 explored so far} and characteristics. The results will

further our understanding of the star-formation process, of the

interplay between massive stars and environment, the properties of dust,

and will provide the key to interpret integrated measurements of

star-formation indicators {UV, IR, Halpha} available for several

hundreds more distant galaxies. Our recent deep surveys of these

galaxies with GALEX {FUV, NUV} and ground-based imaging {UBVRI, Halpha,

[OIII] and [SII]} provided the identification of the most relevant SF

sites. In addition to our scientific analysis, we will provide catalogs

of HST photometry in 6 bands, matched corollary ground-based data, and

UV, Halpha and IR integrated measurements of the associations, for

comparison of integrated star-formation indices to the resolved

populations. We envisage an EPO component.


NIC3 11064




Now that the spectrophotometric capabilities of the NICMOS grism have

been established, cycle 15 observations are needed to refine the

sensitivity estimates, to check for sensitivity loss with time, to

improve the accuracy of the linearity correction, to improve the

secondary flux standards by re-observation, and to expand the G206 data

set now that the sky subtraction technique has been shown to produce

useful fluxes for some of the fainter secondary standards. These faint

secondary IR standards will be a significant step towards establishing

flux standards for JWST, as well as for SNAP, Spitzer, and SOFIA. 1.Re-

observe the 3 primary WDs GD71, G191B2b, & GD153 twice each, once at the

beginning and once near the end of the 18 month cycle. To date, we have

only 2 observation of each star, while the corresponding STIS data set

for these primary standards ranges from 6 to 23 obs. No observations

exist for GD71 or GD153 with G206, so that the current G206 sensitivity

is defined solely by G191B2B. Purposes: Refine sensitivities, measure

sens losses. Orbits: 2 for each of 6 visits = 12 2. Re-observe WD1057 &

WD1657 plus another P041C lamp-on visit to improve the scatter in the

non-lin measurements per Fig. 8 of NIC ISR 2006-02. The WD stars require

2 orbits each, while the lamp-on test is done in one. The very faintest

and most crucial standard WD1657 has 2 good visits already, so to

substantially improve the S/N, two visits of two orbits are needed.

Include G206 for P041C in the lamp-off baseline part of that orbit.

Orbits: WD1057-2, WD1657-4, P041C-1 --> 7 3. Re-observe 9 secondary

standards to improve S/N of the faint ones and to include G206 for all

9. BD+17 {3 obs} is not repeated in this cycle. Four are bright enough

to do in one orbit: VB8, 2M0036+18, P330E, and P177D. Orbits:2*5+4=14

Grand Total orbits over 18 month cycle 15 is 12+6+14=32 {Roelof will

submit the P041C lamp-on visit in a separate program.}


NIC2 11016


NICMOS Flats: narrow and broad filters for NIC1 {+ NIC2, NIC3 in



This proposal obtains sequences of NICMOS narrow band filter flat fields

for camera 1. In cameras 2 and 3, parallel observations will allow us to

obtain high S/N flats for all spectral elements.


WFPC2 10919


Eclipsing Binaries in the Local Group: II - Calibration of the Zeropoint

of the Cosmic Distance Scale and Fundamental Properties of Stars in M33


(uses ACS/SBC and WFPC2)


The Great Spiral Galaxy in Triangulum {M33} is potentially a crucial

calibrator for the Cosmic Distance Scale, and thus for determining the

age and evolution of the Universe. M33 is viewed face-on, has a simple

geometry, large and diverse stellar populations, and morphologies

similar to our Galaxy and other more distant galaxies used for distance

determinations. Yet currently the M33 distance {d ~ 830 +/- 110 kpc}

still has measurement dispersions of 10-15%. We have demonstrated, in

our work on the LMC and M31 distances, that double-line eclipsing

binaries can serve as excellent "standard candles." Distances derived

from eclipsing binaries are basically geometric and essentially free

from many assumptions and uncertainties that plague other less direct

methods, such as metallicity differences and calibration zeropoints. The

absolute radii of the component stars of eclipsing binaries can be

determined to better than a few percent from the time- tested analyses

of their light and radial velocity curves. With accurate determinations

of radii, temperatures, and ISM absorption it is possible to determine

reliable distances. We are extending our program of using eclipsing

binaries as standard candles to determine an accurate distance to M33.

As a first step, we are proposing to carry out HST/ACS spectrophotometry

of a well suited ~19th mag ~O7 + ~O7 eclipsing binary system in M33 that

has been previously observed from the ground. HST/ACS prism/grism

low-resolution spectrophotometry {118-850 nm} is the only missing key

element of this program and is used to determine more reliable values

for T_eff, [Fe/H], and ISM extinction. These quantities, when combined

with the results from existing light and radial velocity curves for the

target, yield the stellar masses, radii, luminosities and, importantly,

the distance. The proposed HST/ACS program can be carried out

effectively with only 1 HST orbit. Based on our previous experience, we

expect to reduce the uncertainty of the M33 distance to better than

5-7%, thereby leading to a firmer calibration of the Cosmic Distance

Scale and the zeropoint of the Hubble Constant {Ho}.


WFPC2 10787


Modes of Star Formation and Nuclear Activity in an Early Universe



Nearby compact galaxy groups are uniquely suited to exploring the

mechanisms of star formation amid repeated and ongoing gravitational

encounters, conditions similar to those of the high redshift universe.

These dense groups host a variety of modes of star formation, and they

enable fresh insights into the role of gas in galaxy evolution. With

Spitzer mid-IR observations in hand, we have begun to obtain high

quality, multi-wavelength data for a well- defined sample of 12 nearby

{<4500km/s} compact groups covering the full range of evolutionary

stages. Here we propose to obtain sensitive BVI images with the ACS/WFC,

deep enough to reach the turnover of the globular cluster luminosity

function, and WFPC2 U-band and ACS H-alpha images of Spitzer-identified

regions hosting the most recent star formation. In total, we expect to

detect over 1000 young star clusters forming inside and outside

galaxies, more than 4000 old globular clusters in >40 giant galaxies

{including 16 early-type galaxies}, over 20 tidal features,

approximately 15 AGNs, and intragroup gas in most of the 12 groups.

Combining the proposed ACS images with Chandra observations, UV GALEX

observations, ground-based H-alpha imaging, and HI data, we will conduct

a detailed study of stellar nurseries, dust, gas kinematics, and AGN.


WFPC2 10766


A Deep X-ray Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud


We request deep observations of 2 representative fields in the Small

Magellanic Cloud with Chandra and HST,with the primary goal of measuring

the luminosity function and space density of X-ray binaries and other

sources down to an unprecedented faint luminosity limit of 2x10E32

erg/s. This will be the faintest XLF ever obtained for any galaxy,

including our own. HST photometry to 24th magnitude in V and I filters

will identify the sources and provide Fx/Fopt, which will be vital in

quantifying the LMXB population and in measuring the properties of the

first coronally active stars ever detected in an external galaxy.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)


HSTARS: (None)






                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL 

FGS GSacq               18                  18                

FGS REacq               20                  20                  

OBAD with Maneuver 72                  72