NATO ships rescue Yemeni servicemen following volcano eruption

1 Oct - NATO naval vessels from Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and the United States rescued two Yemeni servicemen following the eruption of a volcano on the Yemeni Island of Jazirat at Ta’ir.


NATO Secretary General meets the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee

3 Oct - On 1 October 2007 the NATO Public Diplomacy Division organised a high-level visit to NATO of members of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee headed by its Chairman, Mr. Tzachi Hanegbi, and representatives from the Atlantic Forum of Israel, headed by its Chairman, Prof. Uzi Arad.


NATO envoy visits Caucasus

The NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucaus and Central Asia, Robert Simmons, visited Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia from 24 to 28 September for political consultations with senior government officials and parliamentarians. He also introduced NATO's newly appointed Liaison Officer to the region, Zbigniew Rybacki, to the authorities in the three countries.


French Mirages arrive at Kandahar Airfield

The first of six Mirage aircraft from 2/3 Champagne Squadron, French Expeditionary Air Group, landed at Kandahar Airfield on 26 September. The squadron, which is relocating from its former detachment base at Dushanbe Airport, Tajikistan, will now have greater capability to support ISAF and Coalition operations in southern Afghanistan.


Youth addresses Afghanistan’s future at the second NATO-Afghan Student Forum

The Second NATO-Afghan Student Forum took place at the Sant’Anna School of Pisa from 17 to 20 September. This initiative, which was co-organised by the School Sant’Anna and NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, involved a wide range of university students coming from Afghanistan, Central Asia and NATO countries, including Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Slovakia.


ACT Industry Day focuses on "Fostering Cooperation"

Members of NATO, nations and industry gathered for the fourth annual Allied Command Transformation Industry Day event held on 27 September.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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