9 October/octobre 2007






NATO and Egypt conclude Individual Cooperation Programme

Today NATO and Egypt finalised the Individual Cooperation Programme (ICP) under the enhanced Mediterranean Dialogue.  

At their Istanbul Summit, NATO's Heads of State and Government decided to offer Mediterranean Dialogue partner countries the possibility to agree, with NATO, Individual Cooperation Programmes.

The ICP between NATO and Egypt aims at promoting political and military ties with the Euro-Atlantic and the Mediterranean regions along with security cooperation with NATO and MD partners, in order to enhance Mediterranean regional security and stability.

During the NATO-Egypt meeting before the Mediterranean Cooperation Group this morning, Ambassador Martin Erdmann said that “the Individual Cooperation Programme will help frame NATO’s cooperation with Egypt in a more perspective and strategic way than is currently done throught the annual Mediterranean Dialogue Work Programme”. The Ambassador of Egypt Dr. Mahamoud Karem stated: “The Egyptian Individual Cooperation Programme has a future goal which aims at achieving and strengthening cooperation between Egypt and NATO in several important areas, Egypt believes that it has managed to develop an excellent ICP, which reflects precisely its priorities and I look forward to the implementation of the Individual Cooperation Programme in the near future”.



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